Has anyone been diagnosed with Abdominal Wall Pain

Posted by rufus444 @smiles444, Dec 15, 2017

Starting on May 1, 2017, I began having abdominal pain that wraps around to my left back. The first time it happened, I went to the emergency room because I thought I might have an apendicitis. The hospital did a CT scan of my abdomen, everything looked okay. I went to the emergency room several times over the summer with excruciating abdominal and back pain. I had a hida scan done, a colonoscopy and an endoscopy and CT and ultrasound scans of my abdomen. Everything looked normal. In September of this year, a doctor at Mayo felt the area on my abdomen and did a Carnett's test. He suggested it could be abdominal wall pain. I have had two steroid injections and I am still having pain in the same area. Has anyone out there had this type of diagnosis and still having pain?

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Thank you so much!! I’m going to a pain management specialist Wednesday.. This is the first thing I’m bringing up.!!! I’m so tired of feeling like this.. I can’t do anything the pain and numbness gets unbearable.. The pain is always there never goes away.. Toward the evening it gets worse. I’ve had this for so long I’m learning to just deal with it..

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My first injections were starting to fade after a year and half. The Dr did a wonderful job. I went back for another round about a week ago. Original Dr was on maternity leave so a young new doctor filling in did the shot. He didn't use guided ultrasound to pinpoint the spot and used blind injection. I don't think he had experience with ACNES injections, He went in from an angle instead directly over nerve, which meant I was really hurting afterwards. This is causing abdominal wall pains. I hope he got lucky and helped and not harmed. About a week will tell the tale. Make sure pain management has ACNES experience and good luck.


I was in A car accident and have had much swelling in the abdomen with much pain. All major organs look fine had a colonoscopy everything was good. Has anyone heard of the mesentery? I believe that is what is damaged in me but I cannot find a Doctor Who knows about it. I live in St. Louis with anyone have any suggestions for me please.

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Hi there, my name is Carol and live in KC, since your not too far away thought I would give you some info on my docs. I go to KU(university of Kansas) to an awesome pain doc. His biggest focus is pain management without drugs. I also have doc I go to for pain meds. He's a retired OBGYN, so should know lots about abdomen and issues. If you're interested in names and numbers, let me know. The thing about coming to KC for meds is you have to go once a month.


Dear Rob, Sounds like you have ACNES (Abdominal Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment Syndrome). 2 days ago my surgeons through robotic laparoscopic surgery severed 3 nerves in my stomach and aside from being quite sore from the cutting I am finally CURED! Thanks God and Thank Dr. Thomas Gillespie at St Joe's Hospital in Phoenix AZ. Wonderful Doctor and Staff.

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Hi jgroudan - Could you tell me more about what caused your ACNES?

Also, before you surgery, did you try a nerve block?




Hi jgroudan - Could you tell me more about what caused your ACNES?

Also, before you surgery, did you try a nerve block?



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Hi Tim,
I can not pinpoint the cause but it was gradual . I did get 4 or 5 trigger point shots by an anesthesiologist over a 4 month period. First knocked out the pain for about 5 days. After that the shots were ineffective. I had the surgery about 3 months after the last shot.


Good day all,
I suffered from ACNES for 3 years and 2 months. My pain came on over the course of 2 days and it was so intense I was on the floor in a fetal position. It took about a year before a doctor suggested it could be nerve entrapment. I received many injections over the course of 2 years with some lasting days and others only an hour. I also tried ablation. Out of the 3 times it was done, only once did I receive about 50% reduction in pain for about 2 months. I found my self here and spoke with Mr. Jeff Groudan(JGroudan) who pointed me at Dr Gillespie in Phoenix. I flew down(Canadian) for an exam and then returned 6 weeks latter for the surgery. When I woke up from the surgery the nerve pain was completely gone!! It hasn't returned. That was April 28th, 2022. As a Canadian I had no U.S. medical coverage and paid all expenses out of pocket. That is how bad my pain was. I am currently weaning myself off of all medications.

I wanted to speak about the Carnett test. Over the course of 18 months I, at different times, tested positive and negative. As it turned out I had 2 nerves that could have been the culprit. This may have been why I had different results from tests and injections. Dr. Gillespie cut my t9, t10 and t11.

Wishing you swift relief,


@colleenyoung How do you expect a patient like me suffering for years, to help? Don't you think if I had any good ideas I would have shared them a long time ago? How nice of Mayo to educate its own physicians and neglect the larger issue of the 24 physicians in Washington who brushed me off (not including the 5 who refused to see me at all)! ALL DISCIPLINES need the information, including pain specialists, psychotherapists, psychiatry, hospitals and ERs, Walk-in Clinics, Physical Therapy, Urgent Cares in addition to all the textbook fail specialties listed in my post.. I've communicated to Mayo and MedScape (to name two) with no response from either, even MAYO physicians including your Dr. Sweetser? I'm to help educate patients who been betrayed by so many physicians for so long? Why should they believe me--and I don't blame them!--after YOUR clinics apparently continue to fail them?

Why have I continued to post? After hundreds of dollars' worth of downloaded physician literature, research, findings, treatments, I HAVE ALREADY TRIED. With printouts from your Feb 2019 Proceedings, trigger point injections,TAP blocks that physicians ignored. You know how I finally received care?
I convinced a physician to perform resection of branches of T7, T8, and T9 after I threatened to kill myself. I believe no patient should have to do that. That is why I continue to post...and not because Mayo sent me some BS 'bronze award'!

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Hi! Can you share what worked for you? Which doctor helped you?
My daughter has been going through this pain since last 3 years and has 3 nurectomies. The pain keeps coming back after the surgery after 5-6 months. What helped you? What does resection mean? Thanks much.


Hi! Can you share what worked for you? Which doctor helped you?
My daughter has been going through this pain since last 3 years and has 3 nurectomies. The pain keeps coming back after the surgery after 5-6 months. What helped you? What does resection mean? Thanks much.

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It is not a resection. Dr Gillespie robotically laparoscopically severed the T8,T9 and T10 abdominal nerves. Left St Joe's in the afternoon cured. Was truly amazing.


I have a 15-year-old granddaughter who has been suffering from chronic, debilitating left side pain for over 18 months. It all started after she had an ovarian cyst removed and she become extremely constipated. She drank gallons and gallons of Miralax because they thought it was all related to constipation. She had a nasogastric tube procedure, which was a horrible experience because she had an adverse reaction to Ativan and her mother literally had to hold her down because she was ripping the NG tube out. After the procedure, she was good for a short time but she got extremely constipated again, more Miralax, liquid diets, etc.

She had an endoscopy done, followed by a colonoscopy at Denver Children's Hospital, and everything looked good with a very small area of smooth intestine. All they said was that she was lactose intolerant (which her mother already knew.) She takes Lactaid as needed. She has had CT scans and ultrasounds done. She has been on high doses of pain-relaxing medications, antidepressants, birth control. Finally started taking magnesium l-threonate for constipation, which was a lifesaver; but she continues to have chronic debilitating pain which is exacerbated by physical activity of climbing stairs, walking too much, and bending over. She also had a stomach-emptying test, which was normal.

After spending a day with her recently and doing quite a bit of walking, she got in the car that I was driving and was literally shaking and I could see her teeth chattering. I asked her if she was cold, and she said, "No, Grandma. That's what happens when the pain gets so bad." It broke my heart to see her in that kind of pain.

The last procedure she had done in December 2022 was exploratory surgery at Denver Children's Hospital. All her organs were normal, did not see any complications, ruled out endometriosis, but feel that maybe her iliac nerve was damaged during ovarian cyst removal. So they gave her a nerve block and six injections. She got some relief for about a week and her pain was down to a 2, but it was short-lived and she is back to pain every single day between a 4-5. If she has done too much physical activity, her pain can hit 8-10.

She has been homebound and cannot go to school because of all the walking and stairs and needs to lie down during the day when the pain gets so bad. She is not allowed to go to any school social activities because she is homebound. She has very few friends who will stop over to visit. Meanwhile, her identical twin sister is thriving and enjoying being a teenager.

I don't know if they've done a Carnett's test or considered ACNES. She has another follow-up appointment today. Would severing some of her abdominal nerves relieve her pain? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciate!


I have had chronic abdominal wall pain since 2018. It came on after a period of using a waist trainer, but I think it was really triggered by taking a big dose of ibuprofen on an empty stomach (god knows why, I read somewhere nerve damage is a rare side effect of ibuprofen.) For me it is accompanied by a strangling globus sensation in my throat and complete loss of appetite. Pain does not change in relation to meals and none of my symptoms match MALS.

After complete work up I self diagnosed with Carnett’s sign, went to a pain management doctor, had a set of nerve block injections. Pain went away for one afternoon so I knew it was that. I found the one surgeon in the UK who does the neurectomy surgery for ACNES cases and had the operation on the 18th of December 2019. It has made the pain much worse.

Nobody could understand the link between the ACNES pain and the throat/appetite symptoms so I went down the road of thinking that part of it was acid reflux. I ended up having anti reflux surgery, which has made no difference whatsoever (now I have side effects of that surgery to contend with too.)

I don’t know what else to do. I’ve tried a myriad of alternative therapies. I feel like after the neurectomy there’s nowhere else to go. I wish I’d never had the surgery, all the studies I read indicated that it helps in most cases. I’m so tired of being in pain, having no appetite and feeling like I’m being constantly strangled. This started when I was 26. I’m now 28 and I feel like my life is over. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life with this pain. It really, really sucks.

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Have you ever thought about stem cell therapy from your own fat stem cells? I have read some great things on this procedure and have a friend going to Kansas facility for her knee, and then they will inject the leftover plasma from the stem cells back into her body which also helps. Here is the link to the hospital that she will be going to. https://kansasrmc.com/


Does anyone know of a surgeon who treats ACNES in the Syracuse, NY area or evem NYC? I keep seeing Dr.Gillespie in Phoenix mentioned; however, I'm trying to avoid traveling so far, if possible.

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