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My daughter had the same surgery, the left front lobe resection, as well. Our situation was different because she was 1.5 and 2.5 when she had it. She was not talking due to seizures. Because we did it young she was able to use a different part of the brain to eventually talk. She started talking around 4. If her quality of life with having the the seizures is severely impacted then I would consider surgery. Our situation with having 2 surgeries didn’t stop our daughters seizures unfortunately. She continues to take meds and still has seizures but I don’t regret the surgery. She was having so many that she wasn’t developing. Anyways…let me know if you have any questions! The hospital we had surgery at (Boston Childrens) also put us in touch with a family that had a similar surgery. You might want to ask?

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Replies to "My daughter had the same surgery, the left front lobe resection, as well. Our situation was..."

Mmas, Thank you for your insight on this surgery type and personal success . Currently we are trying to schedule phase 2 testing which is likely going to be completed via deep prop electrodes. Once this 2nd phase of testing is completed our neurology team will present us with our surgical options based on their presurgical phase 1 and 2 testing.. We are working with the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota right now, but have our reservations about continuing down this road with them, as our experience with their team has been less then ideal for several reasons. We originally started with MN Epilepsy Group (MEG) and wanted a second opinion, so we sought out Mayo as our second opinion. It has only resulted in wasted time and we will likely transition back to working with MEG full time for phase 2 and surgery. As you know none of this is easy, but picking the right group to perform such a detailed surgery on such a young child is sickening and you have to trust your gut... Could I ask what your daughters seizures look(ed) like, frequency, duration before her surgeries and now what they look like, duration. And frequency for comparison to our daughters. We thank you for reaching out to us about your daughters journey with Epilepsy and her surgeries and wish her and your family continued success in achieving seizure freedom one day, soon.