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Hi Rachel, First of all I brought up my question about switching from Gabapentan to Lyrica. His reponse was that he would not do it because I am a type 1 diabetic and Lyrica may not be good idea. The second purpose for this appointment was to get off opiods that I have been on for a good while. He told me thatsince I have been on oxycodone and even stronger opiods for quite a while he concern was that I may suffer severe withdrawl. So what we are doing is that he would drop my down to a pain killer called Narco for the next 30 days then see how my pain is. I think it might be a good idea. No more doctor's until a new neurogist on the 28th. Talk soon, Darryl

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Replies to "Hi Rachel, First of all I brought up my question about switching from Gabapentan to Lyrica...."

@drg24242 So, Gabapentin it is, and you have room to increase your dose if you find you need more relief.

Norco is a hydrocodone/Tylenol mix, still an opiate, but I'm happy to hear your pain doc has a plan to work slowly on your reduction. Good news!

Bring on the 28th!!