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Thank you for your post. I have had gross hematuria on and off for throughout the day for the past 8 months or so. The appearance is a brownish color and the culture shows red blood cells. However, CT shows nothing (only a very small and stable stone less than 2 mm from 2019) and cytoscopy in 2019 and again in May of 2022 are clear. Yet, the hematuria continues- at least once a day- my internist, my hemotologist-oncologist, and my urologist are all stumped. Any suggestions?

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Replies to "Thank you for your post. I have had gross hematuria on and off for throughout the..."

Hi, @hope222222. I have no information or even hunches on what may be causing your problem. Your description presses me to think of dark brown urine with numerous red cells, but I suspect I'm exaggerating. That it occurs daily is concerning to me. Is it about the same time every day? Have you considered UTI (urinary tract infection)? Here's a Mayo Clinic web site on that: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/urinary-tract-infection/symptoms-causes/syc-20353447.
Given that your whole medical team is working with you, I'd only ask whether they could add a nephrologist to check for kidney involvement. I also have heard of (but have no personal knowledge of) involvement of the digestive tract in circumstances with similar symptoms. I hope you continue to feel confident that your problem is under control and will end soon.