How do you cope with multiple chronic problems?

Posted by ashby1947 @ashby1947, Apr 18, 2022

Anyone have suggestions for how to cope with multiple chronic problems? It's hard enough to deal with any chronic pain, but what about when you have 3 or 4 different things going on most/all of the time I'm working on the various issues with the appropriate medical specialists, including a fine pain management doctor. Usually, I handle the pain well enough. However, with 3 or 4 on-going problems for days and weeks on end, I'm just exhausted dealing with the pain. I think we all agree that dealing with chronic pain (after whatever physical treatment can help) is mostly a mental focus. Any suggestions would be appreciated! I hope this is a good day for you, Sue

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I see a pain specialist, a massage therapist, an acupuncturist, do physical therapy have all the home remedies and devices. And still, it hurts. Not an ingrate, just really living it. If you are not suffering physically and subsequently suffering mentally, emotionally and economically I have trouble believing you get it. I'm not saying I wish this on anybody. The down and dirty of it is life quality. I want to have more of it and don't. I'm left being the guy who tells everybody have a good time see you later. Have skills that I can barely use.
Trying and Trying and Trying to not let life pass me by.

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Are you on Medicare or Medicaid?


Do things you like; change hobbies from running to walking! Find things that make you happy, not for someone else! My pain level stays high; however I still find ways to volunteer, do hobbies, and visit with friends without complaining about my pain.

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ME TOO WE GOT TO DO FOR US AND STAY POSITIVE Barb I no family left so its me on my own at 77 hectic but faith and hobbies and special people in your lide seem no one wants to help much unless its a arm and leg $$$ take care Barb


@gcranor Congratulations on having such a positive outlook, and volunteering! I love that you say, "you find ways" to volunteer. That tells me it may not be easy, but you use moderation and modification to have your best outcome. Distraction is such a powerful tool. Don't you find it rewarding to help out?

And I have to touch on the fact that you also said, "without complaining about pain". That's a HUGE step in the right direction. Check the pain talk and pain behaviors at the door and free yourself to live a more deserving life. Kudos to you!

A wise man once told me:
"Identify self as human with interests and values,
not plagued by health issues."

Thanks for sharing how you cope with multiple chronic problems. You've motivated me today!

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Thank you! Yes it is very rewarding to help, I help doing computer forensic work for our Sheriff’s Department!


Exercise really helps me physically, mentally and spiritually. Walking my dog and taking care of her needs. Talking to my grown children and friends.


Yes, I fully understand the dilemma of multiple pain issues. It is like battling on all fronts, and sometimes treatment for one issue exacerbates the others. Perhaps like me, you have been through several pain clinics that promise much but deliver little resulting in high hopes ending in yet another disappointment. Sometimes it feels like being trapped in painful box/i.e. my body.
I never give up. I am always seeking new treatments on the horizon. And yes, it is always a mental battle.


Exercise really helps me physically, mentally and spiritually. Walking my dog and taking care of her needs. Talking to my grown children and friends.

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Am sincerely glad to read that doing these things helps you ... but my list of illnesses is such that it's all i can do to have a shower and pick up after myself even living with a spouse who is not well. My days are dreadful most of the time... chronic but not life threatening illnesses... pain, pressure, etc.... no cures (for things like constant tinnitus, hyperacusis, fecal incontinence, glaucoma and eye related foggy vision sometimes and the list goes on).. not complaining but it's never-ending and honestly not much relief... how many other folk are coping I don't know but I just feel enough is enough at 78 and reasonably good life... quality not quantity is my choice, but it seems no end in sight. Again, glad to read how many are finding ways around illness and am not looking fo sympathy, but I feel overwhelmed.


Hi Sue, it seems you have several ailments which you are trying to cope with. Constant pain is highly stressful, sending cortisone racing around of you internally. One thing always leads to another and for myself I have become more and more aware lately that when pain or discomfort starts to lessen another discomfort always seems to fill the space left behind. Recently I downloaded an app called Curable and have spent some time listening to the interesting and often entertaining research being carried out on the study of chronic pain. Of course one can buy into the app but I don’t have the money for that. I have only taken advantage of the free content and there is a wealth of knowledge and sharing of information to keep one interested and proactive in the handling of their own pain. Just thought I would share this with you. Perhaps you too may find some solace here.
I wonder where you live. I live in CapeTown, South Africa. It is winter here and very cold today.
With kind regards and empathy for the discomfort in you day to day life.
Lesley Ann Scott.


Hi Sue, it seems you have several ailments which you are trying to cope with. Constant pain is highly stressful, sending cortisone racing around of you internally. One thing always leads to another and for myself I have become more and more aware lately that when pain or discomfort starts to lessen another discomfort always seems to fill the space left behind. Recently I downloaded an app called Curable and have spent some time listening to the interesting and often entertaining research being carried out on the study of chronic pain. Of course one can buy into the app but I don’t have the money for that. I have only taken advantage of the free content and there is a wealth of knowledge and sharing of information to keep one interested and proactive in the handling of their own pain. Just thought I would share this with you. Perhaps you too may find some solace here.
I wonder where you live. I live in CapeTown, South Africa. It is winter here and very cold today.
With kind regards and empathy for the discomfort in you day to day life.
Lesley Ann Scott.

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Hello @leslyann and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Thank you for joining this discussion to share something that has been working well for you with fellow member Sue, @ashby1947. I've mentioned her handle here so that she may receive a notification of your message in the discussion.

How did you come across the app?


Hi Sue, it seems you have several ailments which you are trying to cope with. Constant pain is highly stressful, sending cortisone racing around of you internally. One thing always leads to another and for myself I have become more and more aware lately that when pain or discomfort starts to lessen another discomfort always seems to fill the space left behind. Recently I downloaded an app called Curable and have spent some time listening to the interesting and often entertaining research being carried out on the study of chronic pain. Of course one can buy into the app but I don’t have the money for that. I have only taken advantage of the free content and there is a wealth of knowledge and sharing of information to keep one interested and proactive in the handling of their own pain. Just thought I would share this with you. Perhaps you too may find some solace here.
I wonder where you live. I live in CapeTown, South Africa. It is winter here and very cold today.
With kind regards and empathy for the discomfort in you day to day life.
Lesley Ann Scott.

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Thank you, I'll check it out. I'm in Florida, where is it very hot and humid! I hope this is a good day for you. Sue


Two people advised me to keep a med set, which is the set of pills for morning, afternoon, bedtime, and a different set for each day of the week. There are different arrangements. You could pick one that looks best for your life. Then, I use the old fashion kind of calendar. I also white out those holidays we don't observe, and I make sure to put in the years worth of all the holidays we do observe. I make sure my calendar has my roommate's work schedule, but the rest of that calendar is only my info. If I am having trouble with my Dentist's office (the one before the dentist I now have was commiting fraud) then I shift if at all possible to some other healthcare issue. I keep my own medical records. I went to Goodwill and sure enough, found a 3 drawer filing cabinet, and I use it strictly for medical information. I check my ins companies information on me, regularly, and notify them if they have bogus disgnosis.

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