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hey @edo I'm not doc or expert but I can relate my experience...My diagnosis and surgery / lab outcome was very similar to yours. At 4.5 mos my experience was also very similar to yours. I'd say keep up the good work with the therapy. Likely, the incontinence will continue to improve, I know mine did. At your point I had very good control unless I coughed, sneezed, ran or tried to release flatulence, now at 10 mos I have it very much under control, one of my docs tells me it continues to improve for up to 12 months as you build up the muscles via kegels and other therapy while your nerves heal, which they tell me is a lengthy process. I felt noticeable improvement through 6- 8 mos. I recall I was unable to run (which I've done for 40 years) until about the 6 mos mark, that was my big milestone!

I can "contain" at 110% of bladder volume according to a recent radiation treatment, (that's another story...hopefully you won't get to tell it)

The ED, again, they tell me it's mostly a nerve thing, I don't think I'll ever be the same but it has certainly improved over time, docs say not likely to improve much more at this point, but, with a little pharmacological assistance....
Best of Luck to you!

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Replies to "hey @edo I'm not doc or expert but I can relate my experience...My diagnosis and surgery..."

Thank you very much web265 for sharing your experience. It's reassuring to know that I'm on the right track. My takeaway from your response is that I have to be patient and continue to let the body heal.