← Return to CRPS - anyone suffering with complex regional pain syndrome

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Hi Rachel. First of all I want to thank you for all the direction you gave me in your message. I spent over 3 hours going through your reccomended links. It has really helped me but at the same time taught me that I still have so much more to learn, but I can, it will just take time.
Let me share a little bit about myself. I am 68. I live alone. I lost my wife 4 years ago to cancer. I have no living relatives. On 2/14/21 I fell down 10 steps outside on ice and shattered my elbow. I had 2nd surgury on elbow 2/19/22. Diagnosted with CRPD on 4/1/22. Since then things have been a struggle but since I discovered Connect in mid June I have fould that I am not alone. With people like you out there, I never will be. Thank's again! Darryl

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Replies to "Hi Rachel. First of all I want to thank you for all the direction you gave..."

@drg24242 Hey, Darryl. You are very welcome. Thank you for sharing more about yourself and your circumstances. I'm so sorry to hear you lost your wife 4 years ago. I can't imagine how difficult that has been for you.

No, Darryl, you are not alone and I think it's great that you are on Connect. May I ask how you found us and what ultimately lead you here? Was it to learn more about CRPS? That's what lead me to Connect, researching my condition, and along the way I found friends, too.

You said something so important and that is that "you can" learn. No matter the time it takes, please know that your mind being open in the first commendable step. It must be tough dealing with doctors and decision making alone. May I ask how you do going to doctor appointments? If you're like me and forget half of what doctors say, do you bring a notebook with your questions and to write down answers?