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I think that is wonderful that they had another surgical option, with stents. And that the first one was done satisfactorily, already. I'll remember that. God only knows if I'll end up having to go with that option someday, too. Also, that your ins ended up covering it 100%. As far as the question about vision changes signaling eye problems. In many cases, yes. But not all. For instance, I've had floaters since I was maybe 13, and so far, since I got used to them early I only think about them when the eye doctors office asks me if I have any. But many other vision changes did mean I needed medical help for them. I began going nearsighted at age 7 and it's progressed now to where I'd be wearing those "coke bottom bottle" lens if high index ultra thin prescription lens hadn't been invented. I began seeing double and it's a cranial nerve that was damaged sometime since birth. They can put invisible prisms in glasses lenses to correct it, and later do a surgery too. That's really wonderul how your glaucoma is being taken care of without financial harm to you.

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Replies to "I think that is wonderful that they had another surgical option, with stents. And that the..."

It can always go back to getting worse but I am having a vacation from eye drops except for dry eyes for my right eye. I must say that you beat me on the floaters. I didn't know what they were in college and went to the optometry school. They told me that for a 20 year old you have eyes of an 80 year old! I did not ask for glasses until the 4th grade. Had cataracts, have you had them yet? I was estatic for one whole month! When they removed them, they put in a permanent lens to bring my eyes up to normal. I remember looking colors with new eyes, before everything was a yucky baby poo colot. After the month was over, back to becoming more nearsughted. With glaucoma, you see with blurriness and have more blind spots.

I had a friend at work who had visible prism in his eyeglasses, I drove him to work, now my eyes are too bad for driving but I can read!! Not tiny print but if I can find it big enough print. My friend's wife told me that he went blind and had to go on disability. He used to be able to write to me and not any more.