← Return to CRPS - anyone suffering with complex regional pain syndrome

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@drg24242 Hello Darryl. Reading some of your posts brings me back to a time when I was trying many different treatments and medications for my chronic pain syndrome. I'm so sorry you are struggling with CRPS, but glad you came to Connect looking for support help.

I want to offer a little advice based on my experience and science. Thankfully, you are discontinuing oxycodone. Opiates are mostly reserved for post surgical patients for acute purposes, and cancer patients. They actually can cause hyperalgesia which induces pain, which is why I'm glad you are getting off yours. So many side effects and the body's addiction to a substance is never favorable. Kudos to you for seeing that.
Here's more on hyperalgesia in case you're interested:

- https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/what-is-hyperalgesia

It took me 3 years of being on opiates, failed procedures and getting nowhere in my chronic pain syndrome journey before realizing that less is more when it comes to meds, lifestyle change is imperative, and stress management along with coping mechanisms are key. I have Central Sensitization Syndrome, an umbrella to many diagnoses like CRPS, migraine, nerve dysfunction, POTS, post-COVID, etc. I eventually found hope and a self- management by attending Mayo's Pain Rehab Center.

It's great that you've found a local neurologist and have an appointment Monday with a pain doctor, these are all steps to take, but before you go, here's a link to Mayo Clinic's diagnosis and treatments for CRPS. It may be helpful to have a solid understanding of the comprehensive approach it takes to manage CRPS as a chronic pain syndrome so that you are prepared for your appointments.


I hope this info helps you out with treatment ideas and knowledge. Knowledge is power, my friend. Best of luck at your appointments. Do you have questions prepared for your upcoming visits?

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Replies to "@drg24242 Hello Darryl. Reading some of your posts brings me back to a time when I..."

Hi Rachel. First of all I want to thank you for all the direction you gave me in your message. I spent over 3 hours going through your reccomended links. It has really helped me but at the same time taught me that I still have so much more to learn, but I can, it will just take time.
Let me share a little bit about myself. I am 68. I live alone. I lost my wife 4 years ago to cancer. I have no living relatives. On 2/14/21 I fell down 10 steps outside on ice and shattered my elbow. I had 2nd surgury on elbow 2/19/22. Diagnosted with CRPD on 4/1/22. Since then things have been a struggle but since I discovered Connect in mid June I have fould that I am not alone. With people like you out there, I never will be. Thank's again! Darryl