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Anyone else have a Redundant / Tortuous Colon?

Digestive Health | Last Active: 1 day ago | Replies (1156)

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In response to: sickofbeinsick1. AKA Tina
It's good to hear you found foods that agree with your situation., although you say you can't eat I'm still usure about the fiber/bland choices to make.
With a very distended belly and a lot of pain with ANY pressure on it, finding loose underwear that doesn't cause pain but stays up, or even my pants is a challenge. I assume my constipation problem is my redundant colon and intestinal adhesions, but have yet to find a gastroenterologist to discuss it.
May I ask how you (or others) deal with this, if it is at all similar to my issue?

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Replies to "In response to: sickofbeinsick1. AKA Tina It's good to hear you found foods that agree with..."

I TOTALLY get that! I’m 5’ 2” , I weigh 130, I have to wear maternity underwear. As far as “clothes”, I wear mostly moo moos “sundresses” or anything like that. I can’t wear anything snug at all. If I put on shorts or anything that meets my middle section “waist”, within a matter of minutes, I HAVE to take them off because it starts my stomach pain. I know it sucks!
It’s quite frustrating, especially if I’d like to go out & look decent. It has to be a dress….God forbid go out to eat. My GI for 8 years had me on a trial & error diet…in retrospect, I should have gone elsewhere. But she’d tell me stop dairy, no fried foods…yada yada. These were things I’ve eaten / drank all my life. I don’t know what your besides “long tortuous colon”….that’s what they told me “but it’s nothing you’ve done”. But I found out after years of CAT scans, ultrasounds…nobody EVER found anything until my GI of 8 yrs told me, “all your gut issues could be caused by my hip implant, & Not a Dr. In the world would admit it”. That was my last visit with her. I got REALLY sick…bloated up to 170 lbs. got hip rev, stayed on soft foods, am back to normal weight, but STILL can’t wear normal clothes!
I feel your pain & discomfort. It still flares up now & then, even if I’m not eating…I have noticed that if I get really stressed, it can happen. It hurts like hell. 🤷‍♀️
I’m pretty sure I posted b4 what I “eat / drink”…. Any juice, prune, V-8, water water water, potatoes, green beans, soup, protein shakes, milk shakes….& sometimes an ounce or 2 of Jagermeister can help….not always, but more than not. That’s just me. Can’t wait til I can wear normal underwear / clothes…but at this point, I’m not holding my breath.
Good luck to you 🙏

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