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Seeking Help for Unknown Medical Issue

Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: Jul 23, 2022 | Replies (41)

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The show was New Amsterdam and it was a conversation between the Psychologist character and a woman patient who had recovered from cancer that was complaining about her family members who had recognized her talents while ill, but now had regressed back to expecting her to fall back into her role as their mother. This discussion with this patient, triggered the gay MD to realize that his male partner relationship was based on the partner controlling him and his anxieties and not loving him for the person he was. Once he fully realized the basis for his partner’s intentions, he ended their relationship.

Comment: This episode was the last of the season so it clearly was compressed to add to its drama. But it reminded me of the recommendation I gave a friend. She was a highly successful business woman who was struggling with the possibility that she had ovarian cancer and dealing with her traditionalist husband who expected her to maintain their relationship of putting his needs first. Finally after multiple late night phone conversations, my final recommendation to her was ‘Divorce Him!’ She was angry with that recommendation and stopped calling me. But I learned later that she had in fact divorced him and eventually found a partner who loved her for the person she was.
PS - My approach toward that friend was based on my upbringing as a Quaker and their 200 year old treatment of women as equals. My current break away from my multiple autoimmune diseases ‘partnership’ came as a result of understanding that my damaged body’s demands need to be addressed but also secondary to my goals and abilities - which had become secondary to my medical needs. Basically, my body’s multiple autoimmune needs are not going to change significantly and an emphasis on my emotional and intellectual needs will not change that reality. But it will
definitely make me feel better and hopefully allow me to obtain many of the goals that I have had all my life!

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Replies to "The show was New Amsterdam and it was a conversation between the Psychologist character and a..."

@chris47 I really like this. It will give me some determination to try quilting again. Before my autoimmune disease, i was an excellent (if i do say so) quilter, but it all evaporated. I’m going to try thinking your way and get busy! Thank you! Becky