← Return to Depression: Handling Ups and Downs in Marriage and other relationships

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We've talked before. My impression is that you're compassionate, empathetic a d encouraging.
I was having similar concerns about my "cognitive deficiencies."
.y psychiatrist referred me to a psychologist and I was evaluated to set a baseline. I don't have dementia. However, I do have ADD. As a 6 year old with "something" I was a pain in the butt. At 67, with ADD, I still am...lol
Bottom line: Mindfulness.
Simply put, I have to maintain structure and good habits. If I deviate from my routine, usually because I was side-tracked or stressed out. That's when I don't remember where I put something for safe-keeping...lol...they're really safe. I just can't find the stuff.
When I get stuck on not remembering a word, I say out loud: I'm going on. If I don't stress the word will come to me, sometimes at the weirdest time..."tartare"... 2 days ago I eas talking to my friend and was all over the word: that raw meat that's really expensive and chopped up. You eat it on a ______ ... I'm gonna let it go. It'll come to me... This time, I cheated. I Googled "fancy toasted bread..." and baguette came up. Then I remembered bruschetta.
Strategies, routines, landing pads, being present when I'm doing something.
I hope I shared some useful suggestions. I know what you mean about the Big A...and we're not talking about NYC.
Take care....btw
You did really great when you conducted your research, tracked down your statements and figured out you pre-paid. Problem-solving is a higher level of critical thinking g. You have to use it, or you'll_________. No not flat-line. Lose it.
Humor helps put things into perspective. Have a good belly laugh! Enjoy the minute while you're in it. See? The clichés are intact.

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Replies to "@flynnzie We've talked before. My impression is that you're compassionate, empathetic a d encouraging. I was..."

PS @flynnzie I deviated from my system. I didn't proofread and clicked Reply. My errors were due to typos, not wearing my glasses, and being impulsive. I could have edited by clicking the 3 little dots. I learned about them by practicing pushing buttons. I wanted to show you that "stuff" happens. Level of concern should be raised if:
● Frequency occurs more often.
● Duration of a "malfunction" lasts longer.
● Intensity becomes more extreme.
I'm a retired educator. If I don't use it, I'll lose it. I'm lucky to have found Mayo Connect. I have an opportunity to interact with talented and intelligent individuals such as yourself. It makes me feel sharper and less isolated.
Thank you for sharing.
Now, if I still have typos, it's because it's late, I've been on my smart phone too long, and my blurry vision, according to my doc-67, too, says it comes with age. Awwwww