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Seeking Help for Unknown Medical Issue

Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: Jul 23, 2022 | Replies (41)

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You mentioned that bloodwork hasn't shown anything glaringly obvious, but what have they tested for? Someone else asked about Lyme Disease - I second that. Also, have they looked for Anti-Nuclear Antibodies? Their presence could indicate an autoimmune disorder, although their absence doesn't necessarily rule it out.

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Replies to "You mentioned that bloodwork hasn't shown anything glaringly obvious, but what have they tested for? Someone..."

Good tips, Jedi.

@ajidzior, here's more information about antinuclear antibody (ANA) testing from Mayo Clinic:
- ANA test https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/ana-test/about/pac-20385204

@jedikaiti, can you share more about your experience with ANA testing and how it helped with your diagnosis?

I have been tested for a ton of things including Lyme Disease. My ANA was within range. I did just have my 24 hour urine test come back showing a potential adrenal gland issue. I see my endocrinologist on Tuesday. My labs also show mild/potential issues with my kidneys. I have not seen that type of specialists yet but will look into it after the long holiday weekend.