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Does anyone experience burning pain all over? I have had burning feet since 5 year but after hospitalization and a heart Cath. performed this past February 2022 I now have burning all over my body. Small fiber neuropathy diagnosed with skin biopsy. I am not diabetic or drink alcohol or have any other precipitating factors. This is a horrible burning pain to have to try and live with. I have been tested for every cause but have no answers as of yet. I feel like I am on fire and often have to get in a bathtub with ice water before bed to get rest. Taking generic Lyrica that helps some but the pain is brutal.

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Replies to "Does anyone experience burning pain all over? I have had burning feet since 5 year but..."

My advice is to get a referral to a pain doctor. I don’t like the large pain clinic here, but at least they can give you some stronger medications to dull the burning. Opioids have a purpose, and this is one of them. As you experience pain relief, you will be able to read and learn more about your condition (which I also have) and start trying some physical therapies, etc to decide what work for you. There are helpful things you can use at home - lidocaine patches, CBD oil and lotion, etc..Get some pain relief - help is available.

Hello @oatmeal. This has to be all-consuming. I am sorry to hear you haven't yet received a diagnosis.

I found an existing discussion from @adriggs that was very similar to yours, so you will notice that I have moved your post here: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/burning-sensations-acid-like-pinpoint-pains-all-over/

I am hoping you and @adriggs can connect to compare notes on your respective experiences.

While we wait, can you share what you have told your doctor post-procedure when this started occurring throughout your body and what he/she said in response?

I don’t know if what I’m about to tell you what’s wrong with me will help. It started about 5 years ago when I was walking to my daughter’s house. Everything seemed to be okay until suddenly I stopped completely and couldn’t walk, even tho I’m saying to myself, move,move. The first thing my neurologist asked me was what did the bottom of my feet feel like. I said that at first it felt like walking on wet squishy sand but then changed to the feeling your skin gets when you have a very bad sunburn and still does. To keep this post short, my Oncologist discovered I have a blood condition call MGUS, which is a precancerous cell issue in which these cells are trying to progress directly into cancer. Now here’s where the two problems, neuropathy and MGUS caused my bad guys to eat the myelin coating off the pain nerves in both legs and starting in both arms and hands. Because the myelin coating is gone, the nerves are dead, so I cannot tell if I cut myself and bleed. Strangely, I still have that sunburn feeling on the bottom of both feet because the skin has other sensors like hot, cold, pressure etc. My one neurologist did a special test to tell if the nerves are working, allowing a signal from the brain to the arms and legs are working properly. I flunked that test and he didn’t know what was causing it. We know know its the missing myelin that my precancerous cells used for food, killing the nerves involved. I don’t know if this will help you but keep looking. My guess would be something is causing your skin sensors to overreacting to some stimulant. Because my pain nerves are dead in both legs, I still get that sunburn feeling on the bottom of each foot but it doesn’t hurt at all. Good luck.