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Hello @amariewilkinson

I've been thinking about you and recall that you were going to have a EUS. Has this been done? I hope that you got some helpful information

Will you post again with an update, when it is convenient for you?

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Replies to "Hello @amariewilkinson I've been thinking about you and recall that you were going to have a..."

Hello. Yes, I ended up with 2 EUSs since the first one they didn’t take biopsies and the second they did. Thankfully they found normal tissue in the biopsies and I seem to still be trying to heal. The sad thing is that I had just gotten to where I could eat normal again but after the biopsies, I went back to having issues and still do. I think I’ll have to put my foot down better next time because every time I am almost healed, another treatment or check leaves my quality of life worse off. They’re wanting me to return in august I believe but can’t imagine doing more biopsies then already since I’m back to having issues plus it feels they’re leading me to have to have a permanent colostomy simply from all the procedures. Not feeling that it’s worth it! Maybe I’ll request checks without biopsies at least for the near future.