Anyone else have a Redundant / Tortuous Colon?

Posted by onaquest @onaquest, Nov 7, 2018

Hello. Anyone else out there that has a redundant/ tortured colon? I was diagnosed with this a few years ago. I’m usually ok, but if I get constipated, I get sick for a week or two. Last year my gastroenterologist referred me to a surgeon for urgent surgery to remove some of my colon. The surgeon I ended up seeing (not on the recommended list by my gastro doc due to others not available for a long time) said he believed I could live with the redundant colon if I followed a low FODMAP diet. I tried the diet religiously, scientifically (I’m a scientist), and I found it’s not the food I eat that causes these bouts of constipation. The only item I’ve found that might cause the bouts is coffee every day. An occasional coffee seems fine. What has helped me stay regular in a big way is Benefiber (or any pure wheat dextrose generic) three times per day. Lots of fluid.

My gastro doc was upset with the surgeon and said I’d regret not having the surgery. He fears I will end up in an emergency situation. I have searched the Mayo site and don’t find anything about redundant/ tortured colon. Are any Mayo docs doing research or treat this condition? Anyone else suffer from this too?
Thank you! -Jayne

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OMG! You are experiencing the same as me…I’ve been on Mayo for SOME time. I’ve seen at least 6 different GI’s. After 5? colonoscopies…the 1st one in2010, the only thing they say is “long tortuous colon w/ diverticulosis.
I’m 5’2”, my normal weight is 130 - 135. I weighed 170 when it was at its worst. Luckily, I got in touch with a GI Dr. I’d never seen. He prescribed me “SurePrep”…it’s what they give to clean you out b4 scopes. It worked, sorta, I had 2 blowouts. The pain in my SWOLLEN gut was unbearable. But that was the beginning…I know this may seem off topic, but I had a metal hip for 16 yrs. 1 day I woke up & all I can say is I was “out of it”. My hip hurt, so I laid back down. I didn’t come out of whatever you wanna call it for over a week..(I have no recollection of what happened during that time). I was in bed, I have 2 kids to get up, get fed, & take to school. When I came to, I went straight to orthopedic dr. & he tested for metal ions…of course I had plenty. Had revision, pain subsided & got back to 130 lb. That was in 2020..pain is back, I only eat soft food & all GI’s say same, tortuous colon & diverticulosis…in fact, a month ago I went to a NEW GI, I had previous reports & scopes. He flipped thru them & said “well, it looks like you have done everything there is to do, I can’t help you”. He gave me amitriptyline 10 mg. Sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn’t but I’ve been on a soft diet for 4 years !
I’ve cried myself (in my room, alone) so many times. I wish I could just go hospice. I hope you have better luck than me. ALSO, make sure you don’t go to the colonoscopy places…they’re everywhere, & that is Literally all they do.
Prayers & best wishes

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@sickofbeinsick1 Hi Tina. Know how you feel. Diagnosed with tortuous colon, insufficient pancreas, etc. But the most exasperating thing is the IBS. So everyday is different, never
knowing what the day will bring, constipation, diarrhea, etc. Must wear pads every day just
brings on a whole level of emotional trauma.
I went to a certified nutritionist, and that's the only thing that has helped. I scheduled 6 visits, and I am at my last meeting on line. Her protocol has helped, smoothies, soft foods. When I
deviate from it, its trouble. Went to a friend's house and ate things I should have run from,
sooooooo, looks like I have to be very strict about what I eat and what I don't eat.
Dr's are taught meds, surgery. I highly recommend a good Certified Nutritionist. My primary Dr. actually recommended food allergy testing and the Fod Map diet. I think its all about the food we eat.
Good Luck!


I started the 20 mg of Celexa because that was the only new thing I came away from the new gi with. Took in am because it can cause insomnia and I already have trouble sleeping. Ironically, made me really tired and nauseous. Not few hours of sleep. Next day, diarrhea started so that night cut normal meds in half. Next day, could not leave br for hours. Well, I am no longer constipated! Unfortunately, we are leaving for a 10 drive to the beach in 3 days. This is not a good thing. Plus, I feel awful. So, next day I cut in half. Little better. But now, two days later, I’m in motel, half way to beach, second day, no BM. Couldn’t take much because likely we will be stuck in traffic. I have been looking forward to this vacation with my son and daughter and 5 grandsons for 3 years, and I’m probably going to feel like crap the whole time. I am so sick of this whole thing.

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I know just how you feel. I went on a vacation with a friend. We had this planned for a year and I kept thinking I'd get my constipation under control before we left. Wrong. I ended up skipping doses of Miralax and Linzess so I wouldn't be tied down to the bathroom all morning. After a few days it caught up with me and I was miserable for a couple days. Had to work everything around restrooms but my friend was understanding about it and we got through it.
Good luck. Try to have fun and relax.


I know just how you feel. I went on a vacation with a friend. We had this planned for a year and I kept thinking I'd get my constipation under control before we left. Wrong. I ended up skipping doses of Miralax and Linzess so I wouldn't be tied down to the bathroom all morning. After a few days it caught up with me and I was miserable for a couple days. Had to work everything around restrooms but my friend was understanding about it and we got through it.
Good luck. Try to have fun and relax.

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After two days of not going, I ended up taking Motegrity, Colace and Miralax yesterday. Didn’t sleep well last night because I way overdid it with traveling, moving in to beach house and 5 grandsons arriving. Overtired. So I woke with awful migraine and then, apparently, I overdid the meds because I spent the next two hrs in bathroom! So now everyone is at beach. I’m laying in bed with ice on my head. Afraid to be that far from the bathroom. Omg! I can’t even imagine the reaction if grandma had an accident on the beach! Dealing with one of these issues is bad enough. Dealing with two. Well, there just aren’t words.


@sickofbeinsick1 Hi Tina. Know how you feel. Diagnosed with tortuous colon, insufficient pancreas, etc. But the most exasperating thing is the IBS. So everyday is different, never
knowing what the day will bring, constipation, diarrhea, etc. Must wear pads every day just
brings on a whole level of emotional trauma.
I went to a certified nutritionist, and that's the only thing that has helped. I scheduled 6 visits, and I am at my last meeting on line. Her protocol has helped, smoothies, soft foods. When I
deviate from it, its trouble. Went to a friend's house and ate things I should have run from,
sooooooo, looks like I have to be very strict about what I eat and what I don't eat.
Dr's are taught meds, surgery. I highly recommend a good Certified Nutritionist. My primary Dr. actually recommended food allergy testing and the Fod Map diet. I think its all about the food we eat.
Good Luck!

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I agree totally….everybody is different, so it’s not a One Size Fits All….it’s been trial & error for me, I’m getting there…like you, I have slipped knowing I should a run too, but, we’re only human


I know just how you feel. I went on a vacation with a friend. We had this planned for a year and I kept thinking I'd get my constipation under control before we left. Wrong. I ended up skipping doses of Miralax and Linzess so I wouldn't be tied down to the bathroom all morning. After a few days it caught up with me and I was miserable for a couple days. Had to work everything around restrooms but my friend was understanding about it and we got through it.
Good luck. Try to have fun and relax.

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I just wanted to add that we are “supposed” to have a vacay as well….it’s only been 3 yrs…I’m looking forward & dreading I’ll be in bed the whole time. 😩


Had a virtual visit with a nutritionist/dietitian from my GI’s dept. She had more helpful advice for constipation than all drs I’ve seen combined! Actually took time to review my records. Asked me to go over what I
Eat and do in a typical day. Found out most things I was eating were making things worse! No raw fruits and veggies, especially salads and corn. No popcorn. No red meat. Fruit ok in smoothies as it’s blended. Watch high fiber food. All things easy to digest and move quickly through digestive track. No fiber supplements. Going to be hard, especially this time of year, but I’m willing to try anything!!!! I’ve been pushing all this stuff thinking it would help! I know some of you have brought up many of these before. Why haven’t my
Doctors? Makes me so mad!!! Just take another $1000 drug.


@sickofbeinsick1 Hi Tina. Know how you feel. Diagnosed with tortuous colon, insufficient pancreas, etc. But the most exasperating thing is the IBS. So everyday is different, never
knowing what the day will bring, constipation, diarrhea, etc. Must wear pads every day just
brings on a whole level of emotional trauma.
I went to a certified nutritionist, and that's the only thing that has helped. I scheduled 6 visits, and I am at my last meeting on line. Her protocol has helped, smoothies, soft foods. When I
deviate from it, its trouble. Went to a friend's house and ate things I should have run from,
sooooooo, looks like I have to be very strict about what I eat and what I don't eat.
Dr's are taught meds, surgery. I highly recommend a good Certified Nutritionist. My primary Dr. actually recommended food allergy testing and the Fod Map diet. I think its all about the food we eat.
Good Luck!

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So you mentioned pancreatic insufficiency…
Do you take the prescription enzymes? ie, zenpep or creon?
I was misdiagnosed for 30 years with IBS-D and it was a constant struggle because nothing really helped.
My condition ruled my life 😵‍💫.
Finally the 3rd gastro practice said I had a tortuous colon, diverticulitis, chronic gastritis, hiatal hernia, stomach ulcers, cachexia and IBS-D. ALL caused by exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. I now take Zenpep when I eat and it has truly changed my life for the better. My weight is now a healthy 106, (I’m only 5ft 2inches) and very fit age 67.
The ONLY foods I avoid is sucrose. That requires another prescription enzyme and I prefer to just avoid any added sugars. I consume all the fruit I desire with no issues whatsoever. If I want desserts, I just use Stevia to bake with and have no issues. I hope others that suffer from these digestive intestinal issues get tested for EPI. It’s estimated that there are MANY people misdiagnosed. It’s a genetic condition that was fairly unknown until around the year 2000.
There is HOPE! Never ever give up advocating for yourself.


My colonoscopy doctor said I have a tortuous colon. I eat lots of whole grains, beans, fruit and vegetables and no meat. I'm usually out of the bathroom in 3 minutes. I feel blessed.


So you mentioned pancreatic insufficiency…
Do you take the prescription enzymes? ie, zenpep or creon?
I was misdiagnosed for 30 years with IBS-D and it was a constant struggle because nothing really helped.
My condition ruled my life 😵‍💫.
Finally the 3rd gastro practice said I had a tortuous colon, diverticulitis, chronic gastritis, hiatal hernia, stomach ulcers, cachexia and IBS-D. ALL caused by exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. I now take Zenpep when I eat and it has truly changed my life for the better. My weight is now a healthy 106, (I’m only 5ft 2inches) and very fit age 67.
The ONLY foods I avoid is sucrose. That requires another prescription enzyme and I prefer to just avoid any added sugars. I consume all the fruit I desire with no issues whatsoever. If I want desserts, I just use Stevia to bake with and have no issues. I hope others that suffer from these digestive intestinal issues get tested for EPI. It’s estimated that there are MANY people misdiagnosed. It’s a genetic condition that was fairly unknown until around the year 2000.
There is HOPE! Never ever give up advocating for yourself.

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I too received a recent diagnosis of EPI. Prescribed Creon. The side effects were intolerable. Terrible nightmares and excruciating back pain. Does the Zenpep cause side effects for you? I am glad you have a happy ending! Thank you for posting. I had just got off the phone with the pharmacist to ask about alternatives to Creon.


I too received a recent diagnosis of EPI. Prescribed Creon. The side effects were intolerable. Terrible nightmares and excruciating back pain. Does the Zenpep cause side effects for you? I am glad you have a happy ending! Thank you for posting. I had just got off the phone with the pharmacist to ask about alternatives to Creon.

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I’ve never taken Creon!
I was prescribed Zenpep to take six times a day.
Fortunately we found that dose was way too much for me.
I only take one Zenpep a day and it totally works for me.
No side effects whatsoever.
I do have a very regimented diet and track everything I eat on my Fitbit app to ensure that I am eating enough.
I have gained my muscles back and up to 106!!!
I have totally eliminated sucrose from my diet and have no issues with eating protein, complex carbs and fats. I can eat all the fruit I want and am content with avoiding desserts unless I personally make them myself using stevia.
For instance I made homemade ice cream with stevia and fresh peaches and whipping cream and had no problem with digesting all that yumminess.
My gastro dr told me that my adherence to the diet is what has made the difference in the minimum dosage of Zenpep. After 30+ years of misdiagnosis I am more than happy to finally have a solution.
No more embarrassing accidents, no more agonizing cramping, no more dashing out of rooms in a panicked race to find a bathroom.
Any further questions, just ask💪🏽

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