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What helps with mental agitation of misophonia?

About Kids & Teens | Last Active: Jan 24 11:14pm | Replies (27)

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I get mental agitation from watching TV or watching an Internet movie. I don't know what Misophonia is. If family members would be more caring and turn the channel or turn the programming off that has helped me. Sometimes even just lowering the volume helps me. I have been known to use ear buds connected to my cell phone so I can listen to my own music at times and that has helped too at times.

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Replies to "I get mental agitation from watching TV or watching an Internet movie. I don't know what..."

I have no medical training bu i wonder could misophonia be confused wih or mistaken for one thing i have now, hyperacusis...where noise sounds louder than it is etc. connected with tinnitus
My daughter is told its her issue when problems listening to her partner eat and chew food with open mouth and crunch on crispy treats etc., noisily; but my feeling isL why isnt he part of the problem ..she doesnt have this feeling with anyone else eating.... and get him to stop making such loud noises when he eats???