← Return to Significant osteoporosis: I need a bone plan

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Hi. Thanks for posting back.😆 After reading your info I signed up on that medimaps group site and asked for where in my city I can possibly get a DXA that includes a tbs score. Will see if they respond. I've also nabbed the YouTube link for the 12 yoga poses. Will be sure to ask my upcoming endocrinologist about making my next DXA a DXA-TBS. Dunno yet if the TBS only brings bad news or might tell us, in essence, that "your DXA shows osteoporosis but your tbs negates the risk." I'm holding out hope for that. Thanks again.

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Replies to "Hi. Thanks for posting back.😆 After reading your info I signed up on that medimaps group..."

Hi @catluvr99, it took a couple of days for the Medimaps group to respond, but they did. I think the study of TBS I read showed that 30% of the study participants who were diagnosed did not have osteoporosis. I got my diagnosis Of osteoporosis after a year of being sidelined from strength training because of an autoimmune disorder that made it impossible to move without excruciating pain. Prior to COVID, I was doing Judo, taking hard falls and doing many of the moves and exercises that can cause spinal fractures. So I secretly think I don't have it, but I follow all the protocols anyway just in case I do.
I hope you have success in your quest for a TBS.