← Return to Rising PSA years after radical prostatectomy


Rising PSA years after radical prostatectomy

Prostate Cancer | Last Active: Mar 5 7:14am | Replies (206)

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I’m not a doctor, but I believe you have every reason to be hopeful. I was diagnosed with T3b cancer in 2001. Two years later it recurred and I was given 35 radiation treatments with no scanning before. PSA dropped and stayed low for 10 years. Cancer recurred again. I started Lupron. PSA dropped again. 5 years later in 2021, recurrence. PSA went to .85 and then .1 in less than 5 months. I underwent a PSMA Gallium 68 scan which showed 4 cancerous pelvic lymph nodes. Underwent 5 SBRT radiation treatments. Latest PSA is undetectable, less than 0.008. It’s a long road but I have felt well most of the time. The only aggravating side effects are ED and incontinence. Not great but I’m alive and enjoying it. Best wishes.

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Replies to "I’m not a doctor, but I believe you have every reason to be hopeful. I was..."

Thank you for sharing. Hope is critical.

I think the biggest worry-flag for me is that my post surgery psa was never @ < 0.01 and it began rising right away. Hopefully ADT plus early (soon) radiation hitting the pelvic bed and the pelvic lymph nodes will hammer the PCa and get my psa to that < 0.01.