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What's outside of your picture window today?

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: 7 hours ago | Replies (2464)

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@sueinmn, @loribmt, @johnbishop, and all...You are so right, Sue. I will indeed hand over the decisions on lots of work to my dear Amy, Contractor. And, no rush. One step, one breath, one thought at a time.

Hey, my bird friends...I thought squirrels don't like safflower seeds??? Well, folks, I have one little fellow who's been munching on my safflower seeds over an hour! All his buddies, 5 of them, are fighting over the 2 peanuts and sunflower tubes, falling off seed feeders with baffles...this little guy just munches. Pooh.

Can't get a good pic of any of my woodpeckers. They are shy,, ha g upside down and in strange places, but are so lovely I really want to share.. also,, anyone have hummers?? I did years ago, but not now. I'm taking down my pretty feeder and they get no attention from me. Through.

I took Rob for his 3rd nerve block this morning, 3 in 2 weeks, had conference with the pain doc, came home and collapsed into my robe and lounge chair. Rob is suffering so. The doctor said he can not help with anything else. He referred him to Mayo neurosurgeon for brain surgery. He said the dystonia is too severe for the pain treatments to touch. So, I called and began the work to get this attention. I know the qualifications for this surgery are high. I know it's quite severe surgery. I also know my son can not continue to 'live' like this. So, here we go.

I'm resting, watching my bird friends, may plant my succulents finally, if it doesn't rain. We're in the tropics...

Signing off for now. Tomorrow plumbers come and wreck my home more. 8:30am.

Be well. Hug your children. I cant hug Rob, not for years....it hurts him to be touched.

Blessings all. Elizabeth

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Replies to "@sueinmn, @loribmt, @johnbishop, and all...You are so right, Sue. I will indeed hand over the decisions..."

@gingerw, @sueinmn, @loribmt, @artist01, @johnbishop, and all...
My big cast iron pipe is fixed! Done. Fini! Finally...only took 3 plumbers charging me for work that didn't address the problem, one to finding and quote last year 3700, this year 5000...and this plumber-one of the ones who did me wrong last year-fixed it, charged labor and supplies less 10%...good business $819...I was up and down all night and finally up at 5ish. Exhausted from the last weeks with Rob and the pipe...so, got in bed at 2 and rested/slept all afternoon.

Tomorrow, look for laptop, drop off FedEx for Rob, spend afternoon at Mayo. Bloodwork, CT heart, annual consult with heart surgeon.

Pics of my nutty squrrels. One splayed out on huge red feeder, little one wrapped around tube with peanuts. Out of pic are 2 more. Also, new pic of rescue money tree. Tripled or more in size of canopy...love it.

Be well, be blessed.