Exercise to strengthen bones (for osteoporosis)

Posted by marcd @marcd, Feb 16, 2022

It's been a challenge to find accurate information about exercise to strengthen bones. For me it's been a long process of culling out the information that is based on real research. The following seem to help according to the research data I have been able to find.
Balance training -- some say this strengthens bones, others that it simply reduces falls. But, either way, the end result is to reduce fracture risk. A web search will provide many exercises. Tai Chi improves balance.
Swimming -- this is disputed because it's not weight bearing. But there is a body of research that shows benefit for bone density. For example, one meta-analysis report found that 3-6 hours of swimming/week increases bone density. More time decreases bone density because the body is non-weight bearing for too long. Less is not enough.
Weight bearing exercises -- many reports provide extensive research demonstrating the benefit of correct exercises done in the correct way. The problem is finding out which are those exercises and how to do them. It took me months to track this down, but I was able to find the information and I can share if requested.
Walking -- If done as a weight bearing exercise this can help. That means using a weighted vest, or doing the kind of walking that results in significant impact -- for example jogging, climbing stairs, climbing stairs two at a time, jumping, dancing. It seems that walking around at a normal pace does not increase bone density.
Do not help: My research shows that the following don't help with bone density: Yoga, tai chi, pilates. However , in my opinion un-backed by any research, these could help if they were adapted to provide bone strengthening.
If anyone is interested, please advise of specific questions and I will endeavor to provide links or upload documents.

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@ninglike If osteoporosis is severe or there are already spinal fractures, the weighted vest might stress the spine and even cause fracture, I have been told. Check with your doctor! If you have osteopenia or mild osteoporosis, I would definitely go with what the doc says (and the risk may be much less).

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Thank you soon much for your help!


Could you please share the reason to not use the weighted vest?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help 😊

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Hello Ning...I have a weighted vest to give away as well. I have a T-8 compression fx and it starts to hurt me with the weighted vest...anything that weighs me downward isn't good for my body.


I just found information about a study and a series of yoga exercises to reverse osteoporosis. There's a video on YouTube by Dr. Fishman, "12 Poses vs Osteoporosis." The video can also be accessed at http://www.sciatica.org as well as information about the study. The video shows the traditional poses and the ones modified for osteoporosis and osteopenia. I went through them this morning, found them challenging and worthwhile.


I just found information about a study and a series of yoga exercises to reverse osteoporosis. There's a video on YouTube by Dr. Fishman, "12 Poses vs Osteoporosis." The video can also be accessed at http://www.sciatica.org as well as information about the study. The video shows the traditional poses and the ones modified for osteoporosis and osteopenia. I went through them this morning, found them challenging and worthwhile.

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I did tai chi for 14 years and still suffered three spinal fractures. If you have osteopenia or even mild osteoporosis, by all means try Fishman's yoga. Margaret Martin is another great resource. If your osteoporosis is more severe, I would be careful doing the exercises (Martin modifies yoga for those with osteoporosis and Fishman may too) and I personally would not rely on exercise to heal the bone loss.


I did tai chi for 14 years and still suffered three spinal fractures. If you have osteopenia or even mild osteoporosis, by all means try Fishman's yoga. Margaret Martin is another great resource. If your osteoporosis is more severe, I would be careful doing the exercises (Martin modifies yoga for those with osteoporosis and Fishman may too) and I personally would not rely on exercise to heal the bone loss.

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Hi there @windyshores, I like Margaret Martin very much and Dr. Fishman does modify the yoga poses. I also use a whole body vibration exerciser and take alendronate in addition to supplements. All the best, Teri


Hello Ning...I have a weighted vest to give away as well. I have a T-8 compression fx and it starts to hurt me with the weighted vest...anything that weighs me downward isn't good for my body.

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Thanks a lot for sharing 🙏


I just found information about a study and a series of yoga exercises to reverse osteoporosis. There's a video on YouTube by Dr. Fishman, "12 Poses vs Osteoporosis." The video can also be accessed at http://www.sciatica.org as well as information about the study. The video shows the traditional poses and the ones modified for osteoporosis and osteopenia. I went through them this morning, found them challenging and worthwhile.

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Thanks a lot for the great information and will give it a try.


Thank you. I would be interested in what you have found re how to do weight bearing exercises done in the right way to increase bone density. Also have you found specific tai chi on line that you like? I do swim. Probably only a few hours a week however. It does make me feel good and does help joint pain. I had a reclast infusion a few months ago.


Strontium ranelate was by prescription , but it is no longer available due to cardiovascular/clot risks, in the EU. Strontium citrate is the only form in the US.

@callalloo I separate my calcium and magnesium and avoid any supplements that mix them. My doc agreed with what I read, that they compete with each other. I don't know why, if that is true, so many supplements have calcium and magnesium together, but to be on the safe side, I take them at least 2 hours apart.

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Yes I have been told to do that also. Separating the calcium and magnesium. For the calcium to be effective for bone building you need to also take Vitamin D and Vitamin K.


Yes I have been told to do that also. Separating the calcium and magnesium. For the calcium to be effective for bone building you need to also take Vitamin D and Vitamin K.

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Yes, docs tell us about D but few mention K.

I do Yang style Tai Chi and also like Sun style. You can also look up Quigongs.

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