Adult Life after a Traumatic Brain Injury
Hi, My name is Dawn and I am an RN. Just over two years ago I received a work related injury. This injury has left me with a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Even though two years have passed, I still suffer with lingering tbi symptoms. I have some issues with memory. Some things I remember with no problems, other things I just don't remember and I can't explain why... I also suffer with issues related to mood dis-regulation. I can be angry at times and not understand why or end up having explosive outbursts. This has greatly impacted my life. I still work but no longer with patients. Also, this has been a huge turn around for my family. I'm no longer the mom who has everything under control. I used to work full time, manage my kids' schedules, pay household bills, and keep my house clean. Now I struggle to remember to brush my hair before leaving for work. My husband pays the bills and my kids write their schedules on a large calendar (that hangs in our dining room) so I can visually be reminded where they are and what they are doing. I am a "new" me and I never would have imagined this journey for myself.
I know there are things out there for youth that suffer from concussion/tbi, but I don't always find a lot of discussion/support for adults, like myself. I get up every day and work to live my life to its fullest. If you would like to know more about my life and journey, you can listen to a podcast that I did with my family. Its called "Terrible, Thanks For Asking". We're season 1, episode 5. Its brutally honest. If any of this rings true to your life please join this discussion with me. Thanks for your time!
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Support Group.
I am taking it slowly. I notice strange things like swelling around my ankles. I real try not to push the activities but you got much more damage with the 14 feet. I am more concerned about you. I had a weird cough which they thought was covid from the hospital but tested negative today.
Mentioned you to the taxi driver coming home from the hospital so you know I am thi king of you.
Would this be the group to discuss TBI?
Welcome @nannybrister. You are in the right group. I moved your post to this discussion
- Adult Life after a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
I did this so you can read previous posts and connect with other members like @dawnpereda @rosexxxx @amyabi @pinkyandthebrain @anncgrl @lakelifelady who have have or had a traumatic brain injury.
I look forward to getting to know more about you. How long have you been living with TBI? How is your recovery going?
Boy, you've really had it! I'm so sorry; but thankful that God is helping you. I notice this was several years ago. How are you now?
Often a TBI will cause SS. If you have SS and an active bleed you must get it fixed or you will get much worse quickly. Please google Superficial Siderosis.
What is the title of your episode?
I just found your episode on Spotify
I just listened to your podcast
How are you doing now?
Hugs to you Dawn
Hi @christy1962, I'm tagging @dawnpereda to make sure she sees your posts and that you listened to her podcast.
Christy, do you live with traumatic brain injury? Is it recent or are you further along in recovery? I look forward to learning more about you.
Hi Colleen
I have two brain tumors, chiari malformation, PTSD, and have been diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment
I can relate to some of the things in Dawn's podcast and hope she is doing well