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I love the topic, focus on what we can do! I just got back from Canada where I did some short hikes and a five hour horseback ride in the mountains.

The last few years were rough, cancer, GI, neuro issues…. And the fatigue that goes with all diseases. My life seemed to revolve around clinic appointments. But last fall I set goal of going to Vancouver / Whistler / Banff area of Canada.

But first, needed to build up my muscles and endurance. First attempt at exercise class failed, and gave up. Tried again in Jan and found a class where I could go at my own pace. If had to sit down, I did. I adapted the exercises to what I could do. As long as I was moving, it was better than sitting at home on sofa. Slowly got some muscles back and build up endurance.

Then the tour I was going on got cancelled. I did not let that stop me. I use to travel all over the world for work, if I could do it then, no reason could not do now. My biggest fear was if I had a medical issues while traveling alone, so I invited a niece along and created our own tour of Vancouver and Whistler area. She was 23, just graduated from college and training for a marathon, I am 67 and just happy to be able to still do things.

My goal was to go horseback riding since I had not done so for 20 years. Granted, I needed to get up on a stump to get on horse, but so did my niece. It was highlight of trip for me.

I will continue to work on building endurance and battling fatigue, but looking forward to next adventure.


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Replies to "I love the topic, focus on what we can do! I just got back from Canada..."

Laurie - What a wonderful and encouraging note. Congratulations on challenging yourself, then following through. I am so happy that your niece was willing to make the trip with you.

When my Mom and aunt lost their husbands, they traveled together for years in spite of many physical challenges. When they felt a trip might be too strenuous, either my cousin or I would go along. On their "bucket list" was white water rafting on the Colorado River. We made it happen on a "band trip" - following my daughter and nephew on a summer band tour. My brother and part of his family were able to join us. Both of them had that souvenir picture on the wall when they died (days apart) over 11 years later in their late 80's.

I truly believe having a goal can keep people active for a very long time. "Active" will look very different through the years, but you are right - staying off the sofa and out of the recliner really helps!

Loved your story, Laurie. I’m glad you were able to do this. It takes courage to redefine your life and come back from major life events.

This is encouraging and inspiring!
I am still looking for someone to go out and about and notice how difficult it is to get back 'into the world'. I teach from home (video) and my students tell me I am such fun. So at least I have THAT 😹 But it also made me realise i don't share how I really feel and people aren't psychic, so erm...