Hello Flo,
I think Becky may be away from Connect, so I thought I would check in with you. You certainly have had a difficult month. No wonder you are feeling anxious.
Perhaps you need to figure out how to set this aside for a few days. Your note to Becky says you have trouble working through pros and cons to make decisions. Can your husband or son help you make a list and get to one?
Another tactic that sometimes works is to take small post it notes and write each thought on one page.
Once the thoughts, worries and questions are all on paper, you can make columns on the tabletop to organize them - like Pro, Con, My anxiety talking, question for the doctor or nurse, random thoughts. Put each thought in the proper column.
Then, if my guess is right, the column "My Anxiety Talking" will be the longest ones. Those are issues you will need to work through with the therapist to get to the decision you need.
Are you willing to try this exercise?
I’ll try. Thank you.