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@cmb2022 Goodness it's been awhile since I've written to you. I've been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing. And how is your uncle after his surgery? Have you seen his pathologist report?

Last week was a bit of a blur. I have a small cyst-like thing in my eye and I had been trying to get into to see a local ophthalmologist for two months. I decided to make an appointment with the practice in Green Bay where I'd been seen before but that's a 3 hour drive one way. So, I called last Tuesday and got an appointment for early morning on Friday. I'm so glad I did that as the exam was very thorough and reassuring. It is a type of cyst, not cancer (as I feared, of course) and I came home with instructions to keep my eyes moisturized. Dry eyes is yet another consequence of aging. Unfortunately, with so few ophthalmologists where I live I will now be going to Green Bay for my eye care. Sigh.

How are you feeling, my friend? I'm thinking you have your follow-up appointment soon, right? As you know I was very anxious before my follow up appointment in April wondering what they would find next. And they found nothing new which allowed me to relax just a bit. These follow up appointments are now part of my life and I'm still adjusting to that.

I hope you've had a good weekend and lots of time outside doing what you love.

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Replies to "@cmb2022 Goodness it's been awhile since I've written to you. I've been thinking about you and..."

@naturegirl53, I was thinking about you too and meant to write earlier but was busy with one thing and then another. I spent a couple hours today reading and enjoyed that so much.
Oh my! I am sorry, but am so glad you were able to get your cyst taken care of. I travel about an hour an a half for eye care and a little over an hour to my oncologist.
My uncle is doing well and he hasn't received any news on the pathology yet. He has an appointment with a doctor on Friday but it isn't his surgeon so he isn't sure if he will get any reports then or if that will just be for removal of his stitches and a wound check or what. They haven't been very clear at all. I have been doing his yard work and his yard is much larger than mine so I have been really busy with that.
My appointment is June 10th. I am anxious and apprehensive for it. I have been feeling well, but seem to be more moody. I am not sure if that is from my anxiousness or if my hormone replacement may need some tweaking. My Dr said I was on a very tiny dose and it may need adjusted but wanted me to give it 3 months to stabilize.
I spent lots of time outside yesterday and it was super nice. The temperature was a bit hot (around 90), but I loved it for the most part. I have all of my flowers planted and even planted some tomatoes and peppers early yesterday morning
I wish you a wonderful week and appreciate you checking in. Take care of your eye!