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Ice water immersion for neuralgia

Chronic Pain | Last Active: May 22, 2022 | Replies (10)

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Welcome @jodaer, I have not read the book Wintering by Katherine May but it does sound like another good reference for ice water immersation. GoodReads has a review on the book here - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/52623750-wintering.

Have you been diagnosed with neuralgia?

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Replies to "Welcome @jodaer, I have not read the book Wintering by Katherine May but it does sound..."

No, I haven't been dx with neuralgia. I have leg pain though and beings I'm a diabetic I'm assuming that is part of it. I'm familiar with some of the meds used to treat it and choose not to inflict that on myself again. As of now anyway as it's manageable.