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Anyone have/had a NEC in Anal rectal area before? I’m in serious need of some support after coming back to MAYO again and learning they’ve discovered some other very tiny “mass” in the distal rectum underneath the lining of the rectal wall. They have no idea what it is and couldn’t even get a biopsy with an EUS I had yesterday. Now I’m staying in town longer for yet another EUS attempt to get a biopsy/biopsies of it while assessing the tissue real time to get adequate samples. I JUST finally got out of 3 months of misery and was starting to somewhat be able to eat normal again. How much is too much and when to say enough is enough with damaging more tissue to get more biopsies when it’s possible it could be only scar tissue 🤷‍♀️ - I’m less than 4 months done with chemo-radiation and there was nothing there after they cut it out last year. Any input helpful here. Thank you!

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Replies to "Anyone have/had a NEC in Anal rectal area before? I’m in serious need of some support..."

Oh @amariewilkinson, I can hear how despondent you're feeling getting this news that a new, albeit tiny mass, has been discovered in the distal rectum underneath the lining of the rectal wall. I'm bringing @hopeful33250 into this discussion. Like you, she has had multiple GI neuroendocrine tumors and knows what it is like to get that news just when you think you're getting back on your feet again.

You're in good hands with Mayo Clinic. Is it being suggestion that you get surgery or additional radiation?

Hello @amariewilkinson,

I can understand your distress at thinking about dealing with another issue after just finishing treatment. I have had three surgeries for carcinoids of the upper digestive tract and I understand how difficult it is to face yet another possible problem.

It sounds to me as if it has not yet been determined to be another cancer lesion but perhaps scar tissue. Is that correct?

I am glad to hear that you are being seen at Mayo. I would encourage you to have a conversation with your medical team and tell them your feelings about another biopsy. It is definitely worth a conversation.

Can you try that?