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I was diagnosed with stage 3b CKD late last fall following a severe urinary retention issue that caused me to go into acute kidney failure. The urinary problem was resolved with HoLEP surgery, which seems to have worked very well. I have been seeing a nephrologist since January 2022 who is fairly closely following my situation--I see her or one of her staff every 3-6 months and report my blood pressure, etc. I am on several blood pressure meds or related meds, including losartan, chlorthalidone and amlopidine, and those are keeping my bp at around 118/76 which my doctor says is good. My creatinine is about 1.75, and my eGFR is about 45. These have been holding steady for 6 months or so. I eat a fair amount of red meat but in small portions, and small portions of rice, pasta and potatoes. I eat a lot of sweets but have cut way back in terms of portion and type. I drink a lot of milk. I still drink pop, but again have cut way back. I would appreciate any insight or advice as to what I can expect in terms of the progress of my CKD. I am 70 years old and in fairly good health otherwise.

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Replies to "I was diagnosed with stage 3b CKD late last fall following a severe urinary retention issue..."

Hello, my name is Nancy and I will be 75 in September. I have CKD3 and have had it going on 4 years. I was low in 2019 but my GP did not address it with me. I saw it on my patient summary.
I have looked into it on DaVita and this wonderful sight but only for the past year. I have cut way back on salt, watch for potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, protein, etc. My last GFR reading was 49 (up 5 points). I don't like not knowing where my numbers are now but I have to wait until August (6 months). Re your diet, I do not drink any soft drinks (phosphorous), very little milk usually only in oatmeal or an omelet, the sweets are difficult but I do try to be careful, I eat very little red meat, maybe a hamburger twice a week, I eat flounder for my fish. Salmon is quite expensive even though I love it. I do sometimes have Ritz with coffee but I am careful about the salt. Do you or anyone else know the maximum mgs daily for salt?? I'm sure I knew before but I forgot. I think I am way below this amount but I would like to know. I hope this was helpful to you. Good luck, Nancy