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Have you been told you have diverticular attacks? Is so, and they have been mild I would research other options before surgery. I recently learned about a belly button healing tool. You may want to check it out. Removing part of your intestine comes with other pain and discomfort. The only thing I would say is exhaust any natural/holistic healing first before surgery unless you are in danger of a rupture/abscess situation. I wish you all the best. Blessings

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Have you personally sought help with a naturopath or holistic healer and what did they recommended? I’m a 68 year old female and my GI said I have “smoldering diverticulitis” and she feels I should have surgery. I consulted with a colo/rectal surgeon who said no to that. The only other advice I keep getting is “more fiber/lots of water”. Well the fiber almost does the opposite and plugs me up. I’m seeking help from supplements and other advice. If you have suggestions I’m open to it! Thanks!