Hiatal hernia, GERD, and medication symptoms… I want surgery.

Posted by programmer @programmer, Apr 20, 2022

I have a 3cm hiatal hernia, I just had a few procedures done at the hospital near me, such as the bravo procedure, and will probably need a manometry procedure and possibly other testing to make sure hiatal hernia surgery is right for me.
I have reactions to Pepcid so I can’t take it and PPIs seem to give me digestion issues and make me feel sick over time… I would like to try and get off the medication if possible but I have bad LPR symptoms off of the PPIs and still have issues while on them to some degree.

Would Mayo Clinic want to do the rest of the testing on site, or trust the results performed by another hospital?

I would have to fly to Rochester, Minnesota to have the testing and procedure performed but it would be worth it for me to get what I feel is one of the best in this area of surgery.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Digestive Health Support Group.


Good luck with it all . I went to 5 Gastro Dr’s in 2 states and then Mayo finally took me ( took 6 months to get off waitlist and then 3 more months til appt ( zoom appt first since I lived 2.5 hrs away from Jacksonville, FL). Got in Oct 2021 . Spent 4 k out of pocket , did a few more tests in 2 days . Got same and a couple new diagnoses. Still they couldn’t help me . I didn’t want to go on another antidepressant or see a speech therapist for my Chronic Gatstritis, Esophagitis, class B GERD, small hiatal hernia , small polyps on stomach lining , diverticulosis, chronic huge wet belching over 1000 x a day night , IBS . So now I sit just suffering 8 years and non for the better . I’ve done pretty much all the tests , I’ve done all elimination diets all the Gastric herbal remedies they sell out there . Holistic approaches . CBD , acupuncture, hypnosis. Nothing works . I cry just looking into my refrigerator because everything makes me sick . I feel for you and hope they can get you fixed up and feeling better .

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I have had almost everything you do, everyday for the past 4 months. I have been to 3 GI doctors and 2 internist. I never feel well and have a hard time eating and keeping weight on. I’m a thin lady to begin with.
What will you do next and do you have any advice for me?


I have had almost everything you do, everyday for the past 4 months. I have been to 3 GI doctors and 2 internist. I never feel well and have a hard time eating and keeping weight on. I’m a thin lady to begin with.
What will you do next and do you have any advice for me?

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No I’ve pretty much given up on Dr’s … of all kinds . I’m on my own , just praying a lot and trying to make it through each day . I’m blessed my husband is supportive all these 9 years. He’s at work now all day after 9 years remote working. It makes it 1000x harder for me to deal w/ it all . I wish I had better advice. I pray you’ll heal or find the right people to help you . It’s really disheartening. God Bless


I was in a similar situation and developed Barrett’s Esophagus from the GERD and osteopenia from the PPI’s. The hiatal hernia I had developed into a 5 cm paraesophageal hernia, so I had a paraesophageal hernia repair and a LINX implant several months ago. I wish I hadn’t waited so long for the repair. Recovery was a little challenging the first month but so glad I had it done.
I really wanted to go to the Mayo but ended up not going there for several reasons (travel, Covid surgery delays at Mayo, they wanted to redo testing, only wanted to do a Nissan Fundoplication) but found a surgeon near me who is renowned for hiatal hernia repair and Linx implants and that was a good solution for me.


I am sorry to hear of your suffering. I am waiting on a phone conferance but it is not until August. I'm going to phone them to see if I can get that changed. Meanwhile I am taking Gaviscon, the doctor doesn't like that so I said ' what else can I do? But he had no answer. I think I am going to have to be proactive and go after my need to get some help.


Thank you so much for your response, it helps a lot. I do not feel any side effects at this time however I am being tested for spine problems with MRI'S etc. I am 76 yrs and have been weight training etc for many years. I am now having problems with my calves in that they are in pain eveen after a short walk. In order to walk any distance I must stop and start. When I was 70 I was able to run 5 miles. This whole thing may be caused by an injury I endured when I was about 18 years old. We shall see. Thanks again.
The acid reflux problem and my doctor wants me to see a specialist for that as well but I only get a phone call in mid August.

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@heisforme2 and all...Nice to hear from you. August is a long time to wait. Is this for a gastro consult? My gracious, is there a university or medical center you can reach out to for guidance? Be proactive re my health has gotten me so much good help and answers....diagnoses. I trust AND treatment making me a better person living a much higher quite of life
....from gastro to neuro to vascular to emotional and more.
Please try to find the best for you. My search finally took me to Mayo Florida where I find wonderful help.
Blessings, and the best on this crazy journey.


i wanted to ask everyone if with this disease, would anyone suffer a twing or pain in the breast bone area then chills? My brother said he does as well. AS for me, the chills seem at times to go to my arms as well. This seems crazy as I cannot figure a connection.

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