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More about hip surgery

Bones, Joints & Muscles | Last Active: Jun 19, 2022 | Replies (24)

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When I looked into the "anterior vs posterior" approach, I basically found out that (at least 7 years ago), *most* surgeons were still doing posterior because that was how they had been trained. Also, that doing the anterior approach required a special surgical table. I was repeatedly told that both types had good outcomes, but that the anterior healed more quickly.
Bottom line is that I had the anterior approach, and I was up walking in a few hours. Other than the wound healing, I had zero problems. I know I had a great surgeon that did know and use that approach, and that makes a big difference.
But I still would recommend anterior hip replacement surgery.

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Replies to "When I looked into the "anterior vs posterior" approach, I basically found out that (at least..."

Same here . I had no problems post hip surgery. Up walking afternoon of surgery .

The big problem that frightens me (although I am working on putting trust in my surgeon) is the position I'll be in during the surgery -- I saw pictures on the internet about that and it looks formidable. However, once again, the surgeon has an excellent rating, he certainly seems competent enough, so he has my trust. I am seeing him today but I doubt I'll ask him as to what position I'll be in during the surgery -- I don't want my pressure to get any higher...:-) Take care, thank you for your response. P.S. I am a little bit frightened about the post surgical recovery. I toss and turn all night long. I'm also concerned about restrictions in my movement after the surgery for the rest of my life if I don't dislocate the ball and joint. Oh well, I guess I'm a worry wart. My husband is not like that, but I have helped him to ask questions and double-check on things. OK, I guess I just have to trust in God and the surgeon at this point for a safe enough recovery, because I can't function with the pain I'm going through now anyway.