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@flow65 Florence , is the nausea new with this new medication or have you had it for awhile? Have you told the doctor about it? I included a site from The Cleveland Clinic that talks about home remedies for nausea. Hopefully it will help some
There are also medications for nausea, (even though it means taking one more pill). Call the doctor today and see if you can get a prescription. Will you do that?

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Replies to "@flow65 Florence , is the nausea new with this new medication or have you had it..."

Becky, thank you. My pcp knows I’m prone to nausea. I have GERD/acid reflux. I take Protonix now twice a day. I was on a Nexium for a long time. Eventually was increased with twice a day. After awhile it wasn’t working. I’m on Xanax and low low dose of Seroquel. I have an anti nausea med I take every so often. My psychiatrist and PCP knows my body is so sensitive to most meds. Plus now blood tests were run and my potassium is low. Not sure if I mentioned that before. Read that can give nausea and on a prescription med for a week to help with potassium. That can give stomach problems. Plus my anxiety/stress/depression. Plus my cortisol is high. Not sure if magnesium is off. She didn’t run that one yet. Right now I’m a mess and worried about everything. We just took a walk and now I’m on my exercise bike. I know you’re not suppose to exercise after you eat. It’s been about 30 min after eating for a walk and now exercise. Just don’t want to do it too late. Thank you for all your questions and advice. Flo