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@heisforme2 and all...Hello....I can relay my personal experience with pantoprozole. I took it daily for several years with good results a d few or no side effects. It can, as can all these types of drugs, cause bone issues, but I never had a problem and it worked well for me.

I had severe osteoporosis when I was only 35. I'm 75 now. At that time, it was rare for that age and docs didn't know what to do with me. I took oyster shell calcium and bones improved....even tho I was told I'd be in a wheelchair in 5 years. Nope.
I refused. Got better with care and now latest scan classified me as with osteopenia, left hip worsening...I spend 1+hours 2x weekly in 95 degree water therapy pool for wonderful exercise and relaxation/pain control.

So, I will take pantoprozol if needed. Doc changed to dexilant
after couple of endo procedures, to see if it helps. It does, so I'm using it now.
Long way around to say I liked it and no problems.

I hope it works well for you-
Be blessed..elizabeth

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Replies to "@heisforme2 and all...Hello....I can relay my personal experience with pantoprozole. I took it daily for several..."

Thank you so much for your response, it helps a lot. I do not feel any side effects at this time however I am being tested for spine problems with MRI'S etc. I am 76 yrs and have been weight training etc for many years. I am now having problems with my calves in that they are in pain eveen after a short walk. In order to walk any distance I must stop and start. When I was 70 I was able to run 5 miles. This whole thing may be caused by an injury I endured when I was about 18 years old. We shall see. Thanks again.
The acid reflux problem and my doctor wants me to see a specialist for that as well but I only get a phone call in mid August.