← Return to Alcohol-related Neuropathy: Anyone had good treatment results?

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Good evening @miserable and welcome to Connect. Everyone on Connect learns by sharing. We all try to know as much as possible about our condition(s) so that we can not only help ourselves but speak with compassion and empathy to others.

My understanding of your concern is that it is a bit of a "wonderment" as to how long will it be before "I can appreciate some improvement in my symptoms especially when I have done everything I was told to do. " That's a good question and also a very tough one. Neuropathy is a condition without a cure at this point in time. And if nothing else, we are all different. We are of different ages. We respond to treatments and medications differently. There are more than 100 forms of neuropathy so no diagnosis can be guaranteed to be 100% true for today or the future.

For example, I have SFN (small fiber neuropathy) complete with pain, tingle tangles, and numbness. I am 80 years old and have been dealing with it for 5 or 6 years. John Bishop, @johnbishop is 79 years old and has no pain with his SFN of 20 years, just numbness and tingling. John and I use different medications, supplements, and treatments. And we are always listening and learning.

We are kind of on our own as far as evaluating progress. In my case, I am also my own prescriber because I use medical cannabis for SFN pain along with MFR therapy. Here's an example. Two weeks ago, I contracted COVID, the Omnicron variant. To prevent interference, I stopped my daily medical cannabis. Today, I am on the mend and the biggest treat was an afternoon without SFN pain in my hands and feet thanks to medical cannabis.

May I suggest that you read some more responses in this group to find out what just might work for you. There are also a couple of very good national neuropathy foundation websites that @johnbishop can share with you. If you place the name of a medication or treatment in the Search bar at the top of this screen and press the looking glass, you will be taken to a list of all posts which include that item.

Other than gabapentin, what else have you tried?

May you be free, safe, and protected from inner and outer harm.


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Replies to "Good evening @miserable and welcome to Connect. Everyone on Connect learns by sharing. We all try..."

Thanks CHRIS, I have increasing NEUROPATHY that cripples my legs now.
DOCTOR GAVE ME GABAPENTIN to take at night so I can at least get some sleep. HANDS and feet are now getting twisted and painful....I found out there is NO CURE but drinking QUININE water or soda does help sometimes. OTHERWISE I STAY IN THE APT or BED...

Thank-you so much for responding. I am looking for support and treatment anywhere I can find it. I was just diagnosed 5 weeks ago, after 2 visits to the ER, and a follow up with neurologist. I have a medical background and I've asked him for anything else he could suggest. The ER gave me a steroid injection, it was a huge help! Neurologist will not give me any steroids. Trying neuropure with no changes yet, also 7 vitamins. Nerve renew cream did nothing, as well as salonpas cream with lidocaine. They said for me to exercise, I would if I wasn't afraid of falling. Again thank-you for any suggestions! I am trying to get an appointment with mayo in Florida. 3 family members with different serious diagnoses have received wonderful care and treatment. Mayo has them all living their lives!