Has anyone had vertebroplasty? Osteoporosis and fractured lumbar

Posted by kjs1964 @kjs1964, Feb 15, 2022

I have osteoporosis and just fractured my lumbar two without incident. Has anyone had this procedure of vertebroplasty or know of anyone who has. I have a time frame until March l, 2022. Thank you

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I don't know if I am on the right thread but I am in severe pain after a vertebroplasty! I fell and broke a vertebrae, #1. I had to go 2 months before the orthopedic surgeon would even see me. Then he did the vertebroplasty and I am in more agony. I need help but don't know where to turn. I am only told to get an MRI which isn't scheduled till May 26! My pain level is through the roof right now. I need advice. The procedure was done a month ago and the pain is getting worse day by day. It is like a knife is being plunged into my lower back.

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I am really sorry you are going through this, bad enough to suffer the fracture and now the post-surgical pain, but being put off for 2 more weeks...
If I were in your situation, I would appeal first to the surgeon's office for an URGENT appointment & stat MRI. If that failed, I would call my primary doc & report what I was suffering and ask for help. Finally, I would go to the ER where the surgery was performed.
Unless you live in the back of beyond, there is some location that can do that MRI before 2 more weeks of pain & suffering.
Please let me know if one of these strategies works!


@sueinmn My problem with the MRI is it has to be with anesthesia. I have a medical issue, RLS, and I can't lay still long enough for the MRI. I move and don't realize I am doing so! I went to the ER last week and they gave me morphine IV, prescription for hydrocodone and lidocaine patches from which I get no relief. I am seeing my Primary tomorrow!


@sueinmn My problem with the MRI is it has to be with anesthesia. I have a medical issue, RLS, and I can't lay still long enough for the MRI. I move and don't realize I am doing so! I went to the ER last week and they gave me morphine IV, prescription for hydrocodone and lidocaine patches from which I get no relief. I am seeing my Primary tomorrow!

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Have you gotten through to your docs to explain your extreme pain level? They should be able to prioritize you - they do it in hospitals all the time!


Have you gotten through to your docs to explain your extreme pain level? They should be able to prioritize you - they do it in hospitals all the time!

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The surgeon honestly doesn't care! I have messaged and called and they won't return my calls now! They told me I should be pain free! Their true answer!


I wonder if the surgeon is avoiding responsibility for a procedure that increased rather than eased pain. Is there a different surgeon you can meet with? Can you go to the ER for urgent MRI? Would a standing x-ray help at all? Does sedation work with RLS or does it have to be anesthesia?

I think that pain at the level you have is an emergency and the drugs and patches are just attempted bandaids for a problem that needs to be addressed. So sorry for your pain. I chose not to do the vertebroblasty and also have pain, but not at all to the level you have. It sounds horrible.


I wonder if the surgeon is avoiding responsibility for a procedure that increased rather than eased pain. Is there a different surgeon you can meet with? Can you go to the ER for urgent MRI? Would a standing x-ray help at all? Does sedation work with RLS or does it have to be anesthesia?

I think that pain at the level you have is an emergency and the drugs and patches are just attempted bandaids for a problem that needs to be addressed. So sorry for your pain. I chose not to do the vertebroblasty and also have pain, but not at all to the level you have. It sounds horrible.

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@windyshores, @sueinmn, @suzanne2, and all...As I reported in my message in March, I had a broken T12, ortho doc could 't see me for a month and no surgery for another month. My PCP sent me to the hospital radiologist for surgery. Was done next day, woke up no pain and walked out fine! That was 15??? years ago. I am now having occasional pain if I lift something I know I shouldn't.
Fight for your body. If the surgeon isn't a ailable, fire him. You are in charge.
Time for help now...Ihave RLS, severe, a d it is controlled by nightly, pill, Requip...and iron supementation. Also, I had trouble with MRI due to movement, but they were able to get it done.
Can your primary refer you to a other surgeon, stat? Under these circumstances, he should guide you to get help.
Sue has knowledge today you well, but you must stay on top of it and fight your way to help from best doc. Also, the MRI folks are well aware of your issues...My foc prescribes vium or xanax or whatever to get me through. A d you have pain script...I found MRI quite painful re back, so take pain. Pill before. You can do this. This procedure saved my sanity and allowed me to live.
You get them and be blessed in this fight for youeself!


@windyshores, @sueinmn, @suzanne2, and all...As I reported in my message in March, I had a broken T12, ortho doc could 't see me for a month and no surgery for another month. My PCP sent me to the hospital radiologist for surgery. Was done next day, woke up no pain and walked out fine! That was 15??? years ago. I am now having occasional pain if I lift something I know I shouldn't.
Fight for your body. If the surgeon isn't a ailable, fire him. You are in charge.
Time for help now...Ihave RLS, severe, a d it is controlled by nightly, pill, Requip...and iron supementation. Also, I had trouble with MRI due to movement, but they were able to get it done.
Can your primary refer you to a other surgeon, stat? Under these circumstances, he should guide you to get help.
Sue has knowledge today you well, but you must stay on top of it and fight your way to help from best doc. Also, the MRI folks are well aware of your issues...My foc prescribes vium or xanax or whatever to get me through. A d you have pain script...I found MRI quite painful re back, so take pain. Pill before. You can do this. This procedure saved my sanity and allowed me to live.
You get them and be blessed in this fight for youeself!

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I declined the surgery and my doc did not think I should have it. He said over time the outcome is the same and I did not want the risk of cement migrating, or the risk of fracture from the glass-like material that is injected (I have several adjacent fractures, and if you have just one I think it makes more sense). My doc said the surgery is mainly for short-term pain relief. Just an alternative point of view and not saying it is the right one!


The surgeon honestly doesn't care! I have messaged and called and they won't return my calls now! They told me I should be pain free! Their true answer!

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I had a vertebroplasty years ago and suffered terrible pain prior to the surgery , but I still suffered afterwards and all the pain meds in the world did not help . Finally I turned in my narcotic pain meds for a trial of Valium . This was the most relief I received as it helped with the muscle spasm I was experiencing . I was surprised that muscle spasm was the cause of this all-encompassing pain , but it was . Maybe your surgeon would be open to a trial of this . Good luck !


I had a vertebroplasty years ago and suffered terrible pain prior to the surgery , but I still suffered afterwards and all the pain meds in the world did not help . Finally I turned in my narcotic pain meds for a trial of Valium . This was the most relief I received as it helped with the muscle spasm I was experiencing . I was surprised that muscle spasm was the cause of this all-encompassing pain , but it was . Maybe your surgeon would be open to a trial of this . Good luck !

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@marycdickens01 Thank you so much for the information. You have no idea how your information makes me feel better psychologically! I am beginning to think I am crazy since none of this pain medication is working. I just filled a prescription for cyclobenzaprine and am hoping it will help the pain since it is a muscle relaxer. I keep hoping.


@marycdickens01 Thank you so much for the information. You have no idea how your information makes me feel better psychologically! I am beginning to think I am crazy since none of this pain medication is working. I just filled a prescription for cyclobenzaprine and am hoping it will help the pain since it is a muscle relaxer. I keep hoping.

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@suzanne2 and all..
Congratulations on the new med. I hope it has.

I have taken Robaxin for muscle tension/spasms for many years. I have multiple issues, as mentioned, and was put on Robaxin to hp with overall pain fro. Fibromyalgia and more. I'm sure this med helps my back immensely! But, it didn't solve the fractured issue at all. No pain since the procedure until now, after 15 years, a d eligible.
I think earning to think about the best for my whole body is part of what successes I've had.
I take Robaxin, muscle relaxant. Cymbalta, fibro and stress. Xanax, anxiety. Requip, RLS and Parkinson issues. BP, heart, edema, anemia, potassium, aldosteronism, thyroid, probiotic, inhalers, Med. Marj., and more. No more pain meds like hydrocodone, oxy, ibuprofen, a d several other heavy pain meds.
Pain managed by above, rest, exercise...wikg with walker as can and 95 degree therapy pool 2x will. Pool gives me more relief than anything so far.
There you go. My prescription. Hope something helps in your journey....it's a difficult walk.
Be blessed, elizabeth

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