Facing Cancer Recurrence, PTSD & Acknowledging Mental Health

Posted by Merry, Alumni Mentor @merpreb, Dec 6, 2018

It's extremely difficult to face the fact of recurring cancers. After treatments we try and get away from it all and live our life. Then along comes another CT scan or PET scan and POW, you have to face another cancer. My reaction was developing PTSD.

You can read what I wrote in my blog: https://my20yearscancer.com/blog/
How do we cope? How do we react? What do we do?
How have you all reacted to another cancer? Or the possibility of another one? Has your "already compromised" mental health been able to deal with it? How? Or not?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Cancer: Managing Symptoms Support Group.


No, they had me drink castor oil to clean my colon. WOW, what a mess that was. But my great wife took care of me. I could afford the hospice there, $65 a night, but I think I'm seeing it is hard to get into.

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Jim- Thank goodness for spouses, right Jim? Were you not given a bathroom for your use for your prep? Were you aware that you would have to drink Castor Oil prior to your CT scan?
Have your doctors told you that you are ready for Hospice care, or are thinking that staying there in lieu of a hotel? Is there a Ronald McDonald house nearby? Perhaps ask the hospital for recommendations of where you can stay?


I had a really hard time with recurrance with mets to my lungs, andfor the first few months no treatment or bad symptoms. It was not growing much but micro mm growth in lungs. My doctor said we did not have to treat because stable (mostly) After almost two years we tried a drug trial that just hit a plateau so stopped. My recurrence has luckily been slow growing. Don't listen to statistics! just over last weekend my daughter (M.D.) at UCLA got a message about maybe doing the 5FU origional chemo again! He will explain next Tuesday but I have been so anxious I had to use my emergency Xanax. The idea of getting another port implant and losing my hair again is making me feel ill. But some folks online have gotten rid of a recurrence twice so I hope you are lucky!


I hear your distress and understandable. To go through the hurdles you have been through and go again I'd tough!! DO NOT GIVE UP. Do what you can and leave the rest to prayers. Best wishes.


I had a really hard time with recurrance with mets to my lungs, andfor the first few months no treatment or bad symptoms. It was not growing much but micro mm growth in lungs. My doctor said we did not have to treat because stable (mostly) After almost two years we tried a drug trial that just hit a plateau so stopped. My recurrence has luckily been slow growing. Don't listen to statistics! just over last weekend my daughter (M.D.) at UCLA got a message about maybe doing the 5FU origional chemo again! He will explain next Tuesday but I have been so anxious I had to use my emergency Xanax. The idea of getting another port implant and losing my hair again is making me feel ill. But some folks online have gotten rid of a recurrence twice so I hope you are lucky!

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This is Brenda again. Bald heads are nice in the summer at home and a light-weight wig, good one by Paula Young works for me, works for going out. I call it my hat and everyone that knows me says it makes me look younger and those that don't know don't know it is a wig. We are just being fashionable Leighs.


I am an 80 year old female who just went through surgery and radiation for non-invasive DCIS breast cancer of the milk ducts. Does anyone have knowledge of this type of lumpectomy. Does anyone know if the cancer will re-occur quickly again if the margins after surgery are in question. If the margins are in question, has anyone had a re-occurance of cancer again in the same breast, or will the female have years before re-occurance again. O is this a question that has "no answer"? I am just trying to find out how many years of life can be a given to a patient after this type of hormone receptor cancer has been removed. I did not take the prescribed medication "Anastrozole" to reduce the estrogen in the tissues, because at 80 years of age, there are just two many "side effects" problems.

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