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I have a horrible cough that no one knows what to do about

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Replies to "I have a horrible cough that no one knows what to do about"

Covid affects the respiratory system, it takes awhile for some to overcome the inflammation to the lung fields.

You might need a pulmonary consult and possibly a pulmonary function test. Best of luck to you and I hope your cough is better soon.

my pulmonologist has me on a steroid inhaler twice a day and a different one as a 'rescue' for uncontrolled boughts of coughing. My triggers are moving too fast, physical exertion, laughing, talking a lot, wearing a mask for long periods of time, weather changes-I look at the weather channel website for 'air quality index', I have more coughing when it is elevated. Knowing my triggers and a rescue inhaler help in minimizing my episodes.

@bbkaks, welcome to the group. I hope you've seen the helpful suggestions from @cmd @mpeters and @rinadbq.

I moved your question about a persistent post COVID cough to this existing discussion so you can catch up with some of the helpful suggestions offered by fellow members:
- What remedies help with post Covid cough? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/post-covid-cough/

May I ask if you've seen any specialists about the cough? What solutions have been tried so far?