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Smelling cancer!

Breast Cancer | Last Active: Jan 5 2:45pm | Replies (96)

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I have nothing helpful to add here , Just wanted to say that every time a dog runs up to sniff me , I wonder if its the MBC that attracks them , LOLOL. Theres been an urban legend for years that dogs can smell cancer ( apparently not science based ) but LOL , Dogs just are natural sniffers . I just always freak out a little tiny bit , just wondering if they do . I think it might be nice to see a Dr Doggie for sniffs vs the PET Scans .

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Replies to "I have nothing helpful to add here , Just wanted to say that every time a..."

Dogs are being trained in places around the country to sniff out cancer. They're apparently particularly good at detecting skin cancers that haven't become visible. A recent news item was about a young woman whose rescued dog kept nudging her stomach and also pawing at it. A year later she was found to have ovarian cancer. The dolphins that people can swim with in Florida were known to detect early pregnancies, though that could be a case of hearing an extra heart beat?

I wouldn't mind getting a skin cancer check by some sweet Labrador retriever or Shetland sheep dog. You could pet the examiner afterwards, toss it a ball to chase and pay your bill in doggie biscuits...sounds like more fun than a lot of medical tests I've endured.

Hi I enjoyed your post and the picture .
My dog, a sheltie smelled my triple negative breast cancer.
I had been diagnosed already and was exercising on the floor and she came over and sniffed my breast area and she pulled back like yuck what is that. Not sweating either. Wished I would have excersize sooner to find the cancer sooner. Dogs are amazing.