Neuropathy after TKR: I'm 68 and fearful of future

Posted by daveage68 @daveage68, Jun 13, 2021

I had knee replacement 8 weeks ago. This seem to accelerate neuropathy in both lower legs. Numbness, feels like feet are freezing, legs feel heavy and tired after little exercise. I have always been very active, this is killing me.
Any success stories out there? I read where this is incurable Not sure if this is a quality of life I can live with. Do not want to be burden for wife and family. Looking for good news.

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Hello @kp6350, Welcome to Connect. You will notice that we have moved your discussion into an existing one with the same topic so that you can meet other members discussing neuropathy after a TKR. I'm sorry to hear you having PN right after your TKRs. You mentioned they were 10 months apart and you also have been diagnosed with TTS (Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome?). It sounds like the surgeries may not have been successful since you mentioned you had three. Has your doctor offered any other suggestions or treatments to help with the pain?

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No. Just Gabapentin which makes me feel light headed and causes fluid retention in my legs which defeats the Purpose of too much weight. It is so debilitating.


Hello to whom it may concern,

I had arthroscopic knee surgery on 08/20/2021, about two weeks after having surgery I started experiencing this pain in my foot, which felt like my foot going numb, and a stretching feeling by my big toe, in order to subside the pain I would move my leg around alot in a attempt to stretch it out, my foot would feel hot and almost at times cold and sweaty, I was set up with a specialist to test my nerves within my legs, he stated that my nerves were healthy and intact, he said what I could be experiencing could be a pinched nerve due to the surgery. I continued to raise these concerns to my doctor however I am still experiencing this same pain, it's at the point that I limp because of how bad the pain can get and it feels like my blood isn't circulating properly. Is there any other testing that can be done to pinpoint this issue?

Might I add the doctor did give me a cortisone shot 3 months after the surgery due to the pain I stated I was suffering with my knee.


Hi @regime211, Welcome to Connect. You'll notice that we have moved your comment into an existing discussion with the same topic so that you can meet other members discussing neuropathy/tingling and numbness & pain after a TKR like @kp6350, @trishh, and @bendeb

Have you considered a second opinion at a different facility?


I’ve been all over. Seems my gait causes me to walk and compress my nerves. My feet are really flat and over/pronated . This has changed my life completely. Very debilitating. If I knew my new knees would cause this I would have lived with the knee pain….


Have you tried CBD oil? This may help with your neuropathy.


can neuropathy cause ED ? something has


Talk with your surgeon and they can direct you. If no relief then ask for referral to neurologist for possible diagnosis of neuropathy. Continue to follow your recommended exercise treatment and stay hydrated and eat healthy foods. Stay in contact with our group.


Talk with your surgeon and they can direct you. If no relief then ask for referral to neurologist for possible diagnosis of neuropathy. Continue to follow your recommended exercise treatment and stay hydrated and eat healthy foods. Stay in contact with our group.

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Do you have neutron nothing feet and are your feet flat?


can neuropathy cause ED ? something has

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I have no information regarding PN and ED, but my ED was beginning at the same time as early onset of PN (I did not know about PN at the time), so I'm watching this .


I have no information regarding PN and ED, but my ED was beginning at the same time as early onset of PN (I did not know about PN at the time), so I'm watching this .

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Welcome @islandfrog, Here is some information I found about PN and ED that both you and @danpinc2022 might find helpful -- The treatment of erectile dysfunction in patients with neurogenic disease:

@islandfrog have you found any treatments to help with your PN?

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