Anyone else have a Redundant / Tortuous Colon?

Posted by onaquest @onaquest, Nov 7, 2018

Hello. Anyone else out there that has a redundant/ tortured colon? I was diagnosed with this a few years ago. I’m usually ok, but if I get constipated, I get sick for a week or two. Last year my gastroenterologist referred me to a surgeon for urgent surgery to remove some of my colon. The surgeon I ended up seeing (not on the recommended list by my gastro doc due to others not available for a long time) said he believed I could live with the redundant colon if I followed a low FODMAP diet. I tried the diet religiously, scientifically (I’m a scientist), and I found it’s not the food I eat that causes these bouts of constipation. The only item I’ve found that might cause the bouts is coffee every day. An occasional coffee seems fine. What has helped me stay regular in a big way is Benefiber (or any pure wheat dextrose generic) three times per day. Lots of fluid.

My gastro doc was upset with the surgeon and said I’d regret not having the surgery. He fears I will end up in an emergency situation. I have searched the Mayo site and don’t find anything about redundant/ tortured colon. Are any Mayo docs doing research or treat this condition? Anyone else suffer from this too?
Thank you! -Jayne

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I posted this as a reply to a comment below — may be best situated here.
I, too, am learning to live with a tortuous colon, diagnosed in my last colonoscopy several months ago. I think I can feel where it is bent in a tight switchback because there is one spot in my gut where I feel discomfort and sometimes pain. Sometimes massaging that area seems to relieve the pain/discomfort. I, like many say, am bloated all the time, have tried the low FODMAP diet to little avail, avoid gluten and a lot of dairy because they both seem to bring on severe diarrhea, bloating and pain. I can’t leave the house until after 10AM because I make 3+ trips to the bathroom every morning, usually feeling like less than complete evacuations. I was told that there can be both constipation and diarrhea going on at the same time, some stool gets through but other is hard or impacted. I have tried Miralax and need to go back to it. I had cut the dose to 1/2 capful every few days. It didn’t have a lot of effect but maybe I didn’t use it long enough in that way. The recommended dose was too much. The only thing that gave relief was a RX for a special gut-related anti-biotic after testing positive for an overgrowth in the colon. For about 2 weeks my gut felt normal but the NP would not refill the RX again.

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I am on Motegrity that helps move stool through colon. Not really a laxative. Doc also suggested tbsp olive oil at night and lots of water. I also see a pelvic floor therapist that showed me a different massage technique that involves more “pulling” than just masssging. I’ll see if there is a name for it. Maybe on utube?


I posted this as a reply to a comment below — may be best situated here.
I, too, am learning to live with a tortuous colon, diagnosed in my last colonoscopy several months ago. I think I can feel where it is bent in a tight switchback because there is one spot in my gut where I feel discomfort and sometimes pain. Sometimes massaging that area seems to relieve the pain/discomfort. I, like many say, am bloated all the time, have tried the low FODMAP diet to little avail, avoid gluten and a lot of dairy because they both seem to bring on severe diarrhea, bloating and pain. I can’t leave the house until after 10AM because I make 3+ trips to the bathroom every morning, usually feeling like less than complete evacuations. I was told that there can be both constipation and diarrhea going on at the same time, some stool gets through but other is hard or impacted. I have tried Miralax and need to go back to it. I had cut the dose to 1/2 capful every few days. It didn’t have a lot of effect but maybe I didn’t use it long enough in that way. The recommended dose was too much. The only thing that gave relief was a RX for a special gut-related anti-biotic after testing positive for an overgrowth in the colon. For about 2 weeks my gut felt normal but the NP would not refill the RX again.

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Thanks for your comments, I thought I was the only one who had to wait to go out in the mornings to be sure my bathroom visits were over for the day


I am on Motegrity that helps move stool through colon. Not really a laxative. Doc also suggested tbsp olive oil at night and lots of water. I also see a pelvic floor therapist that showed me a different massage technique that involves more “pulling” than just masssging. I’ll see if there is a name for it. Maybe on utube?

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I’d like to know the technique if it has a name. I do a colon massage, right to left and down, and that seems to help settle things down when there is bloating and colon activity. I’ve gotten exercises from a pelvic floor therapist. I like the olive oil & water idea too. Thanks!


I’d like to know the technique if it has a name. I do a colon massage, right to left and down, and that seems to help settle things down when there is bloating and colon activity. I’ve gotten exercises from a pelvic floor therapist. I like the olive oil & water idea too. Thanks!

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I go on Friday. Will let you know what I find out.


Thanks for your comments, I thought I was the only one who had to wait to go out in the mornings to be sure my bathroom visits were over for the day

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I also cannot plan for anything in the morning, no appointments before 1pm earliest. I used to like to travel, that’s ended. Some days are normal, but I never know when I am going to have a bad day. Diet makes no difference, I eat the same small group of foods every day.


I can’t do early mornings because I have to do routine. Get up, drink water, drink coffee, eat bran cereal or oatmeal with fruit, relax so I can poop. If I don’t do this, no BM, then miserable rest of day. Went out for breakfast other day on vacation. Had my favorite raspberry stuffed French toast. Totally messed me up.


I know I'm late to the game here, I just found this site. As I'm reading through these posts I'm lying flat on my back in bed, dying, my pain is so horrendous. This is a three-day stint which is not unusual. Sitting is always uncomfortable for me . When I drive my seat is leaned way back. Wearing jeans or, anything around my waist will eventually lead to Pain by the end of the day. Bending over forwards, nope! I am otherwise a healthy, very active , mother of five , ages 40 to 22 years old, grandmother of five! 59 years old and for my whole life of emergency room visits for abdominal pain, I was never diagnosed until last year with a redundant intestine. This, was after I went to the emergency room and was hospitalized immediately. Nothing they gave me for pain helped. They say, narcotics do not e a s e the pain for this condition. Of course, the doctor recommended a colonoscopy but, he said, you just had one last year and it was inconclusive because they said that you were not cleaned out enough. I promised him that I did everything exactly how I was supposed to do on my last colonoscopy. He suggested, that I did two cleanings right in a row! I had to agree with him, I needed to find out what was going on with my stomach! I will say this without sounding disgusting, I could not believe how much waste was in my stomach!! Two nights in a row! Psychologically, if you suffer this pain and discomfort, and bloating, it can wear on you. Really, wear on you. I have found that being grateful for the littlest of things in my life, the beauty of nature, trying to stay in touch with my grandchildren via FaceTime , it's hard to put on a happy face with them when I'm having an episode. Currently, I have no insurance. I live in Florida. The doctor in the hospital recommended I follow up with the doctor who did they colonoscopy so I called the office to set up an appointment, I knew I would be paying cash I figured probably in the hundred dollar area. The woman was very Curt when she let me know that the initial visit fee was $275 no it's ands or buts about it, no payment plan no nothing. So, my life continues with my general practitioner trying to figure things out. My general practitioner, I might add, is a different doctor every time I go there so, there is no relationship building, no ongoing, effective, communication. I have to tell my story over, and over, and over again. One of the doctors who, I happened to see many times, and once after I was hospitalized with a severe attack, said the first colonoscopy was inconclusive. He was thoroughly convinced that my whole problem was constipation nothing more. I stood my ground, I know my body, I told him there is something in there that is not right. Wow, I know I've rambled, nobody understands what I'm going through or the severity of the pain and how it just overwhelms your whole mind and being. This too shall pass. I am, on my good days, a very upbeat, happy, funny, loving human being. I feel very alone in this struggle... I just want this never-ending pain to leave me. Well, if you took the time to read this far, thank you!

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I know EXACTLY what you’re going through, I’ve been putting up w/ it for 7 (at least) years.!
I actually saw a new GI, because I had a 4 day episode a couple weeks ago (I thought they were over). On my 1st. visit, I brought some records of previous procedures ….he thumbed thru them, said “there’s nothing else I can do”) gave me amitriptyline & said come back in a month.
This is not my 1st rodeo.
I can’t remember when exactly I was diagnosed with “long, redundant tortuous colon”, but I guess it never goes away…


I had a colonoscopy 2 days ago and after 2 months of not having a bm without softeners and Lactulose, I was diagnosed with tortuous colon. I ended up at the emergency department March 6th after 11 days with out going. Started on Lactulose and softeners then. I’ve had IBS for years but have been pretty regular prior to this starting. I knew something changed because a cup of coffee in the morning usually did it for me. I’ve been drinking 3 17oz bottles of water a day along with other fluids and I’ve been careful about what and how much I eat. I was also diagnosed with internal and external hemorrhoids and angioectasia in distal descending colon. I know hemorrhoids are common and they were found in a previous colonoscopy. I’ve been reading here about what others are doing and have read about tortuous colon online. It’s good to have others to help understand this diagnosis!


Just went through this and you would think my dr who is a motility specialist would have known better. Had me do a 3-day low residue diet which is basically high-carb no-fiber prior. What it did was totally constipate me so I was behind going into the prep. Did the jug of Golytely. Thought I was good. Nope. Couldn’t get all the way in. Told me my colon was like a roller coaster. Next time, no low-residue, two-day prep. More Golytely. So talk to your doc about this Before!

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Gee Sallyw133….you don’t happen to live in TX do you?…. I’m being sarcastic cuz that’s about what I’d expect from 1 or 2 of my (past) Drs.
However, I don’t think I’ll be having another colon-scope for a while…I’ve had 5 or 6 already…..still not fun


My gi doctor follow up to diagnosis gave me a chart to follow for constipation as follows: morning, probiotic, followed by a liter of water to drink before lunch, after lunch Metamucil, followed by a liter of water to drink by bed time, at dinner time take miralax, at bedtime take magnesium 200 to 500 mg. I found that timing has a lot to do with this and this works for me. I usually follow this for 4 days then discontinue miralax part for a couple of days. You have to play around until you find your colons rhythm. And stress will affect everything so keep that in check with meditation, exercise, yoga etc. keep us posted . Good luck.

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