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Hi, stage 4 colorectal cancer here

Colorectal Cancer | Last Active: Aug 3, 2023 | Replies (101)

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My husband was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer with 22 metastatic tumors in his liver in September 2020 after a totally clean, see-you-in-10-years colonoscopy just 22 months before. We thought it was a death sentence. We opted to go to a research-based hospital and cannot recommend that enough! Yes, it’s 4 hours round trip, but those 4 hours compared to the level of local care we received is PRICELESS! Emergency surgery after colon blockage due to the size of his tumor, colostomy for six months, reversal and reconstruction as well as hepatic artery pump for his liver. He has had 39 chemo doses so far with extremely low side effects - he still has all his hair, only very mild nausea at the very beginning and very mild neuropathy after several doses. And the most positive attitude continues to amaze me. The team approach to care is invaluable. I still do my research via other high-level research facilities regarding options they may be exploring. Perhaps you have someone who can do that for you. I am sorry you are on this path…watching someone go through it is so hard because you can’t fix it for them. Lean on others. Accept ANY help offered. You need your energy for fighting this horrid disease! My prayers to you!

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Replies to "My husband was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer with 22 metastatic tumors in his liver..."

Hi, I am glad your husband is doing well. Can you tell me what research hospital you went to please?
I was diagnosed stage 4 with metastatic tumors in the liver, ovary and peritoneal in May 2020. I went through 14 months of chemo and scans were good so i took a month break to visit family. October 2021 my pet scan showed no tumors left except for a 5" tumor still growing in my right ovary. I had laparoscopic surgery to remove the tumor. Unfortunately, when removing the instruments the tumors broke away and attached to the surgery incision sites which left me in a lot of pain ever since. My PET scan in January revealed that all my tumors came back plus another one putting pressure on my ureter requiring a stent which has been causing additional pain that cannot be explained. I am now being told that because the tumors returned so quickly that it is an indicator of less time left and I was quoted approximately 12 months in June 2022. I am looking into alternative treatments and also trials. Oncologist does not want me to start any trials until I have exhausted chemo which has been causing me extreme fatigue this time. I don't know if that is the right approach. Every oncologist I have had does not seem to be up on trials or even bothered. I noticed that a number of MSS colon cancer trials were stopped because of lack of participation or money. Not one oncologist in the past 2 years has ever mentioned trials and when I mention it they don't know anything. I would love to hear from you or anyone else being told there is no hope since the tumors came back so quick and what their experience is/was. Love and hope to anyone reading this.

My husband also has stage 4 colon cancer metastasized to his liver—11 spots. Would you be willing to share what cancer center your husband received treatment at? He’s thinking he needs the HAI pump and looking for a cancer center for that. Thank you!