Possible cause of some neuropathies?

Posted by maryflorida @maryflorida, Apr 30, 2022

My doctors have not identified the cause, after ten years and many doctor visits. Last week I was in severe back pain and went to the ER where they diagnosed me again with spinal stenosis (anterolisthesis of L4 with respect to L5.). Do the nerves go through our spine? If so, might there be nerve damage from the compression of the spine causing the leg and foot pain? My guess is as good as the doctor saying it is idiopathic, isn't it? Do any of you have spine issues? What do you think?

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Good morning, Mary. Oh gosh, I’m so sorry to hear about your horrible back pain. You’re not alone in this agonizing condition of Spinal stenosis.
I have several friends dealing with the same situation, and unfortunately it comes with the territory of our bodies aging. Often osteoarthritis and osteoporosis being the biggest culprits.

You’re right in that nerves do go through the spinal cord. It is the heart of our central nervous system. Spinal stenosis refers to a narrowing of the spinal canal which can then affect the functioning of the nerves running to the rest of the body. That means that spinal stenosis can effect nerve functioning (causing neuropathy), say, in the legs, or elsewhere. The problem is the impinging of the nerves by the narrowed spinal canal.

Our own Mayo Clinic has a great informational article you might find interesting…just to get you started. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/spinal-stenosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20352961

Here’s also a podcast by Dr Curry talking about treatments for the condition.

There are also several conversations in our Connect forum with fellow members having spinal stenosis. https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/spinal-stenosis-neck/?commentsorder=newest#chv4-comment-stream-header

Did your doctor have any suggestions for you going forward as to treatments?


Good morning, Mary. Oh gosh, I’m so sorry to hear about your horrible back pain. You’re not alone in this agonizing condition of Spinal stenosis.
I have several friends dealing with the same situation, and unfortunately it comes with the territory of our bodies aging. Often osteoarthritis and osteoporosis being the biggest culprits.

You’re right in that nerves do go through the spinal cord. It is the heart of our central nervous system. Spinal stenosis refers to a narrowing of the spinal canal which can then affect the functioning of the nerves running to the rest of the body. That means that spinal stenosis can effect nerve functioning (causing neuropathy), say, in the legs, or elsewhere. The problem is the impinging of the nerves by the narrowed spinal canal.

Our own Mayo Clinic has a great informational article you might find interesting…just to get you started. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/spinal-stenosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20352961

Here’s also a podcast by Dr Curry talking about treatments for the condition.

There are also several conversations in our Connect forum with fellow members having spinal stenosis. https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/spinal-stenosis-neck/?commentsorder=newest#chv4-comment-stream-header

Did your doctor have any suggestions for you going forward as to treatments?

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My neurologist just told me she believed that spinal stenosis of L4-L5 was also causing intense back pain and legs pain. I am 62 and also, by punch biopsies, have small fiber neuropathy in left foot spreading up leg and feels like right leg and foot too.
No treatment was recommended except starting Cymbalta. Only been on a few days. Hoping for relief.
You are not alone.


My neurologist just told me she believed that spinal stenosis of L4-L5 was also causing intense back pain and legs pain. I am 62 and also, by punch biopsies, have small fiber neuropathy in left foot spreading up leg and feels like right leg and foot too.
No treatment was recommended except starting Cymbalta. Only been on a few days. Hoping for relief.
You are not alone.

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In response to Lorlmt, I had spinal fusion in Nov. 2121. i have post op neuropthy in both legs. My doctor tells me the only thing that works is intense physcial theropthy. I was an inpatient at a rehab hospital for 63 days, PT 2 times a day, 5 days week and one on Sat. Now i have st home pt 2 days a week. I am told it can take up to a year for the nerves to "wake up ". I am making some progress. I am told just sitting in a wheel chair and taking pills or any magic fix you see on line will never work. I hope to get some input from others. dpinc

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