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Living with a trach (tracheostomy), need advice.

Head & Neck Cancer | Last Active: Apr 7, 2023 | Replies (42)

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Dear Mindy,
You really went through hell. I am so sorry to hear of all that pain. The last two years, I have not done my pre-cancer exercise routine. It isn't that I can't, it's just that living out in the country keeps me very busy physically. With the trach, my energy is back, so gardening, canning, and drying food, mowing the lawn, hanging laundry (to save on electric bill), grocery shopping, and cooking is my exercise. It is difficult to get out of bed some days, and usually there is a nap in there somewhere! There are many animals that need cared for too, so that takes energy. Yes, I force myself to plow through it, and it does help to stay physically active. But, resting is also very important--a delicate balance. Activity does not seem to help my breathing, or lessening the pains. As long as the trach-tube is cleaned out a few times day, breathing is okay. The Integrated Specialist tested for Vitamin D, so sunlight is very important. One Vitamin D3 2000 mg. per day is good too. The pains in my hands (thumb and down to wrist) come and go. By the way, X-rays of the hands showed nothing, which was surprising. I have a feeling that with time, you may start getting better.

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Replies to "Dear Mindy, You really went through hell. I am so sorry to hear of all that..."

This is really helpful- with all your daily chores you don’t need exercise routine. It is really inspiring to me to hear all that you do with your trachea so I can get busy I am totally going to have a few more labs done and make sure I on the best healing path thanks for your insights.
Best regards and application!