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Feeling helpless

Chronic Pain | Last Active: May 8, 2022 | Replies (27)

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Hello, yes feel misdiagnosed.. I have had postive ANA TESTING SINCE 2015 n platelets been up since then .They keep getting higher . I get sores on my body n my mouth .. I believe it lupus ..but at the time of appointments I don’t have sign . My sister has it n fibromyalgia runs in. My family.Below I posted the sores I get . I feel as nobody listens .. even my neurologist don’t understand why the platelets so high n dr not doing nothing n my ferritin very high , overload of iron.

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Replies to "Hello, yes feel misdiagnosed.. I have had postive ANA TESTING SINCE 2015 n platelets been up..."

My own experience is that seeking the correct diagnosis is twisting maze of doctors and test. However, have you seen a Hematologist?

So sorry about these problems. This is just a guess, but have you seen a dermatologist about these skin problems? Sometimes a dermatologist can diagnose a skin issue as being related to something more serious that is going on in your body.

The sores in your mouth may indicate that your system is too acidic, so you may want to avoid foods that are high in acid like citrus, lemons especially. And try to consume a diet that is high in alkaline foods.

You might get a biopsy by a dermatologist for diagnosis. Bring in your ANA blood work, as well.
For me the mouthsores are treatable by Miracle Mouthwash, an RX from your Dr. Mine came from a compounding pharmacy. The Lupus Handbook may also be useful. And, get to a Rheumatologist as this can be progressive.
You might ask your Dr about blood donations, as people use that for high iron levels. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hemochromatosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20351443#:~:text=Hereditary%20hemochromatosis%20(he%2Dmoe%2D,disease%2C%20heart%20problems%20and%20diabetes.