Neuropathy: Anyone have any experience with gabapentin?

Posted by sjhedcon @sjhedcon, Mar 21, 2020

I have loss of feeling in my feet and tingling sensation. My doctor prescribed gabapentin. I read the side effects and decided not to take this med.
Anyone have any experience with gabapentin?

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It was prescribed for me and I took it for a few months. I found it did not help and stopped taking it.


anyone used near laser light treatment on their feet ? I just purchased one. I will try anything, Have not walked in 7 months after back surgery.


I have been on Gabapentin for 12 years, 2 at night 600 mm total. I have never had a issue, but I understand that it’s tough to get off them ass is most drugs you take. I am not sure how much it’s helped because I am on pain meds also for the same amount of time. Anything that will help your pain it’s most likely going to be tough to get off of. But most of the issues one has like neuropathy you most likely won’t be getting off them anyhow.


I heard a few good things about the laser light treatment from patients it decreased their pain.
If it works for you will you let us know, please?
Thanks kindly,


Didn't you ever suffer any side effects? No memory, balance or drowsiness problems?
Those seem to be what most patients who take it for seizures complain of. Funny thing, seizure meds caused my Neuropathy and seizure meds help some. Seems odd to me.
I had all the awful painful sensations for about 35 years now all I have is numbness.
gabapentin didn’t help my neuropathy or my seizures.
Of course people are different I had no problem getting off gabapentin but there is a real person here I connect who takes a very infinitesimally small does trying to get off gabapentin and they still have awful side effects.
Perhaps being used to taking seizure medication makes it easier to discontinue it because I know many people who have no problem discontinuing to take it for seizures.
Continued good luck,


Took Gabapentin for 8 years, up to 3200mg per day. I was also being seen by oncologist for very low WBC count - 1.9. Many years trying to figure out cause. Finally, PCP asked me to chart all my medical data relating to pain meds and WBC count (Had records going back 20 years). There was a correlation between start of gabapentin and drastic lowering of WBC count. He and my neurologist recommended I taper off gabapentin and start Cymbalta. Two weeks after reaching zero on Gabapentin (took 8 weeks), had lab work done. Nurse called me today and gave me the good news - WBC count is now 4.4. Wow! Nerve pain level no better, no worse with Cymbalta.


Took Gabapentin for 8 years, up to 3200mg per day. I was also being seen by oncologist for very low WBC count - 1.9. Many years trying to figure out cause. Finally, PCP asked me to chart all my medical data relating to pain meds and WBC count (Had records going back 20 years). There was a correlation between start of gabapentin and drastic lowering of WBC count. He and my neurologist recommended I taper off gabapentin and start Cymbalta. Two weeks after reaching zero on Gabapentin (took 8 weeks), had lab work done. Nurse called me today and gave me the good news - WBC count is now 4.4. Wow! Nerve pain level no better, no worse with Cymbalta.

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@ericd47 I was on Gaba for several years, with no relief from anything. Finally stopped, and that made no difference. oldkarl


I started gabapentin about nine months ago and have titrated up to the dosage of 1800 mg for about three months now. I still have the burning post-stroke pain they are treating me for--I understand this is a common "off label" treatment for my condition. I still seem to have the same burning pain and intend to tell my doctor I want to go off of it and see how I feel--I do hate the drowsy feeling it seems to give me. And, there was an article not long ago in the NYTimes about how little evidence there is for the off label treatment's success. Can anyone share an experience of going off of gabapentin? Thanks.


I’ve been taking gabapentin for about 8 years. Have no pain just tightness in my toes and foot. Is it helping don’t know but afraid to stop as i can then get pain.


I started gabapentin about nine months ago and have titrated up to the dosage of 1800 mg for about three months now. I still have the burning post-stroke pain they are treating me for--I understand this is a common "off label" treatment for my condition. I still seem to have the same burning pain and intend to tell my doctor I want to go off of it and see how I feel--I do hate the drowsy feeling it seems to give me. And, there was an article not long ago in the NYTimes about how little evidence there is for the off label treatment's success. Can anyone share an experience of going off of gabapentin? Thanks.

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Day 1 off my 2700mg daily routine and to date, no significant difference in pain, tingling etc..

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