Opiate Pain Medication

Posted by lisacm @lisacm, Apr 17, 2022

My husband suffers from severe chronic abdominal pain and has been for last 9 years. He is on very high doses of opiates. We currently live in California but would like to move out of his state. His pain doctor is concerned if he moves to another state, he will not be able to be prescribed the meds he is currently on because now they are only prescribed for patients with terminal cancer. Has anyone heard of this or had any experience with something like this? Personally I don't think this makes sense because he's been on these meds for years so I'm trying to understand why this would be an issue.

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Thank you! You are correct, some patients have turned to street drugs for pain relief. To me, that’s like playing with fire, you’re bound to get burned. Many have lost their lives. It takes so little fentanyl and it’s being mixed into so many street drugs now. I know of several people who have chosen to end their lives rather than live with the pain. The actual percentage of pain patients who abuse opioid medication is very low. Especially compared to overdose by illegal fentanyl. The CDC actually misrepresented the percentage figures in their 2016 Guidelines. It’s just like politicians to avoid admitting they’re wrong about something!
I will continue to pursue finding a caring pain doctor who is willing to help me and work with the doctors I already have on my team!

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I used the Fentanyl patch and it worked wonders.
Lethal dose of fentanyl to Heroin


I’m so sorry that you have had such a terrible experience.
I’m concerned as many people who are denied opioids turn to using illegals and then heroin and fentanyl which has caused thousands of deaths. I agree that the government needs to get out of medical care and stop making doctors and patients criminals.
I hope you will be able to receive the treatment you need.
My heart goes out to you. ❤️Jilly

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Hydrocodone 10/325 about 8 years now. The only relief I’ve had with 30 yr journey with ME/CFS. Tried many other things holistic to medical marijuana. No help for me. It can be a lonely place. If those great decision makers in politics decide we can’t have it…. Not sure what I would do. Take care💙

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Ann4u, it’s great to hear you have help in dealing with your pain control.
It’s time for Americans to put a stop to the governmental overreach into medical care.
The regulations are cruel, making doctors into an extension of law enforcement is inappropriate all the while ignoring the real problem created by illegal drug traffickers and drug manufacturers.
I join with you and others who want to change this problem.
Best to you. Jilly

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There are sights online as well as on Facebook (if you use FB?). I belong to a few and have participated in surveys, signed petitions, and responded when the CDC had open public comments regarding the (supposedly) newly revised 2016 Opioid Prescribing Guidelines, due to be published later this year. If you are interested in learning more or reading about the impact of the Guidelines, I’m happy to share info. I just don’t want to seem like I’ve got motivation to recruit anyone. For chronic pain patients, it’s good to know why doctors aren’t prescribing opioid medication and what folks are doing to change the damage of the CDC. I’m still dealing with a lot of pain, like most of us here! And although I’m not able to be out physically active in protests or participate in planning, my voice is important! One thing about the FB page for ‘dontpunishpainralley’, there is a lot of patient interaction and a lot of great information from group leaders. Doctors have a reason to be scared! It’s not their fault, they are victims too!
Just good and empowering stuff! It’s good to meet you Jilly!


I've had problems getting my medicines too and they aren't even opiates. State governments threatened to revoke pharmacists and doctors licenses if they didn't give the state access to their computers and all their patient records (so much for doctor/patient confidentiality). Politicians made a big show of their "war on teenage opiate deaths" to garner hero status with the voters - but they are doing more harm to real patients than good for teenagers.
Thanks for the topic - we need to write to our state legislators. When politicians get a lot of letters on one subject, the staff members who open their mail let them know. Peggy


I've had problems getting my medicines too and they aren't even opiates. State governments threatened to revoke pharmacists and doctors licenses if they didn't give the state access to their computers and all their patient records (so much for doctor/patient confidentiality). Politicians made a big show of their "war on teenage opiate deaths" to garner hero status with the voters - but they are doing more harm to real patients than good for teenagers.
Thanks for the topic - we need to write to our state legislators. When politicians get a lot of letters on one subject, the staff members who open their mail let them know. Peggy

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I am having the same challenges. Again the politicians appear to be criminalizing law abiding citizens under the guise of attacking crime. Meanwhile illegal sales of narcotis are on the rise expotenitally along w/ the problems those sales bring to communities and families. (Apologize for going a bit political, but the situation affects me personally.)


I am having the same challenges. Again the politicians appear to be criminalizing law abiding citizens under the guise of attacking crime. Meanwhile illegal sales of narcotis are on the rise expotenitally along w/ the problems those sales bring to communities and families. (Apologize for going a bit political, but the situation affects me personally.)

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No apology necessary - politics are not our fault, we're just the victims. We should write to our Senators, Congressmen, and President. We're voters and taxpayers too, our voice counts just as much. I feel sorry for the parents of kids who overdose, but ... punishing us won't save any more kids. Peggy


We are only victims when we don't involve ourselves in the Political process!!
Writing our Politicians, going to rallies etc.... Being a part of our process is quite empowering.


I have often wondered about these laws and some of these physicians and if their take on opiates would be different if they were faced with some of the chronic pain issues and diseases that patients cope with! Sometimes I feel they don’t have a clue!


I have often wondered about these laws and some of these physicians and if their take on opiates would be different if they were faced with some of the chronic pain issues and diseases that patients cope with! Sometimes I feel they don’t have a clue!

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If you have Lived with the pain of arthritis or nerve damage you know you would not be alive today if it weren’t for opiates

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