← Return to Hiatal hernia, GERD, and medication symptoms… I want surgery.

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Good luck with it all . I went to 5 Gastro Dr’s in 2 states and then Mayo finally took me ( took 6 months to get off waitlist and then 3 more months til appt ( zoom appt first since I lived 2.5 hrs away from Jacksonville, FL). Got in Oct 2021 . Spent 4 k out of pocket , did a few more tests in 2 days . Got same and a couple new diagnoses. Still they couldn’t help me . I didn’t want to go on another antidepressant or see a speech therapist for my Chronic Gatstritis, Esophagitis, class B GERD, small hiatal hernia , small polyps on stomach lining , diverticulosis, chronic huge wet belching over 1000 x a day night , IBS . So now I sit just suffering 8 years and non for the better . I’ve done pretty much all the tests , I’ve done all elimination diets all the Gastric herbal remedies they sell out there . Holistic approaches . CBD , acupuncture, hypnosis. Nothing works . I cry just looking into my refrigerator because everything makes me sick . I feel for you and hope they can get you fixed up and feeling better .

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Replies to "Good luck with it all . I went to 5 Gastro Dr’s in 2 states and..."

I have had almost everything you do, everyday for the past 4 months. I have been to 3 GI doctors and 2 internist. I never feel well and have a hard time eating and keeping weight on. I’m a thin lady to begin with.
What will you do next and do you have any advice for me?