Coping with arthritis pain at night

Posted by grannydee @grannydee, Apr 20, 2022

I have arthritis pain, and experience this now in my entire body. I cannot take Tylenol, aspirin, nsaids due to chronic gastritis and EPI. I cope with the pain during the day through exercise, stretching and keeping busy. The nights are the problem. I fall asleep easily because I’m tired. I wake up in pain after a 2-3 hours and then toss and turn, get up and stretch, practice deep breathing and try to go back to sleep or read if I can focus enough to do that. I start my day around 6am and do NOT rest during the day so I can try to encourage my body to rest at night.
I choose to not request other options such as opioids or sleep medications. I do use melatonin but as I said, falling asleep is NOT the issue. Getting ENOUGH sleep is the problem. No dreams for me as I don’t enter the phase of rest to do so.
Any ideas???
I am extremely active and use a lateral elliptical at the gym 5 days a week, (4 miles in 32 minutes” and absolutely LOVE it because after the first half mile I am able to “ditch” the pain.
The nights and lack of sleep is my biggest problem at this point…any suggestions out there??! I DO use Voltaren gel but at night the effect doesn’t last long enough to get enough sleep.

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Hi @grannydee, have you ever tried heat to relieve your pain? I have an infrared heating pad and it does give relief when I'm using it and for some time thereafter. I have osteoarthritis of the shoulder and some rotator cuff tears. The heating pad comes with instructions not to sleep on it though. If heat provides you with relief, maybe there's a heated mattress pad somewhere. I've also read that weighted blankets help with sleep. Maybe you could find some relief along those lines.

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I do use a heating pad…but I’ve not tried a weighted blanket.
That seems easy enough to give it a try.
Thanks, you never know!
I’m going to give it a shot!!!


I do use a heating pad…but I’ve not tried a weighted blanket.
That seems easy enough to give it a try.
Thanks, you never know!
I’m going to give it a shot!!!

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I feel for you, it’s no joke not being able to sleep through the night! I have similar problems staying asleep, I have arthritis, a perineural cyst and an L4-5 lumbar fusion that’s not stopped all of my back pain. I do take pain meds, but that’s a personal decision we all must make for ourselves. I would not be able to function without some pain relief. Quality of life is more important to me than worrying about being dependent on meds.
You might Try a product called Charlottes Web; I bought the hemp cbd roll-on oil for my arthritic hands. It actually brings relief and is sold over the counter at my pharmacy or purchased online at their website. A doctor recommended it to me, he has severe arthritis in his shoulders; he said when he uses it he can raise his arms overhead.
I also use an adjustable bed to find the ‘zero gravity setting, and a heating pad. I wish you a solution to your pain!


I agree with the extended relaease Melatonin. I take the 10 mg dosage. It doesn't keep me asleep the whole night, but allows me to return to sleep fairly quickly after my regular "wakeup and change position due to pain" moments. (With it, I don't have to get up and move around or sit up and read for hours in the middle of the night.) Good Luck.


Oh my...I thought I was alone in not being able to sleep through the night..but so many have responded with the same problem. I have resorted to taking 1/4 of a percocet, just to get the deep sleep I need to be able to get out of bone pain and get proper sleep. Even the weight of my blankets cause my bone on bone arthritic knees to ache when having them over a pillow to relax my back pain...oy....I use heated up rice filled socks (micro-waved) in the daytime for relief of back well as a small electric back massager with two wheels that go round...I don't like using electric blankets or electric heating pads. I've tried all the alternative things as name it, I've tried it. Even Voltaren has its's not all that safe to be constantly using electricity for long periods of time, I feel as well. I do get relief from my vibration plate I recently got, but have to wait to use that now as I'm just getting over having cataract surgery and don't want to interfere with that healing by shaking..even in a sitting mode. The 'plate' has felt really wonderful to use and I will go back to that as soon as I have the other eye done and am on the mend. I feel your pain and discomfort...knowing that we're not alone in this is comforting..also knowing that is no magic bullet for any of us is also useful as we try and live our lives the best way we can. I have a compression fx of my T-8..not from my doing..but a mismarked step that I tripped, those just never seem to heal....along with severe osteoporosis in my hips and lower back. I've switched to a mostly plant-based way of eating and do end my input of food around 5pm till 8am. No alcohol or other stimulants and am feeling better with this way of eating as well....also taking bone building nutrients and other supplements. Oh...might add in that I use a pendulum to see if what I take is agreeable with my body. One might call this a kookie thing to do..but I find it most reliable for me. I simply hold what I want to take in one hand and 'ask'.."Is this good for my body?", while holding the pendulum about an inch above the bottle...if it swings to the left, thats a no go..if it swings to the right and makes circles..that tells me that that's ok to take. I have a crystal attached to a chain that I use..never fails me. Sometimes it just goes up and down...that tells me it might be good, might not be....I find it works for everything I try it on. It didn't like the calcium tablets I was taking. "GrowBone".but did like the stronthiem! I'm now taking Bone-up..but will switch to Dr. Stephan Strums combo..through Life Extension I know him and value his professional opinions as well as trusting him to put his name on a product..knowing that he does his due diligence before making an endorsement of any kind.
I thank each and every one of you that have shared your plights and concerns as well as your victories. We have so much in common that PT's as well as our doctors just don't have the time to deal with us as individuals..wanting to hand out cookie cutter solutions...while I can understand this does little to assist our individual needs, most of the time. I wish you all the very best. Knowing we have eachothers backs is most helpful! Bless you all.


I do use a heating pad…but I’ve not tried a weighted blanket.
That seems easy enough to give it a try.
Thanks, you never know!
I’m going to give it a shot!!!

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Had a weighted blanket for same reason you seek an answer. Get to sleep immediately around 9 but like an alarm went off, I am awake at 3 AM and usually in a major panic attack. The weighted blanket felt like it was suffocating me and if you have restless legs, it made the sensation worse. We ordered one from Amazon, tried it and back it went within a week. If you get one, try to buy one with a return policy.

My rheumatologist today prescribed generic Lyrica to help me sleep. I normally take a magnesium 250 cap and a 1 mg of ativan which puts me to sleep. The 3 AM panic gets another .5 ativan to calm me. I live alone since my husband died two years ago. Anyway, I read the side effects of Lyrica and all the side effects would only exacerbate my other g/i, bowel, anxiety, nausea so I cancelled the order. I am also trying to scale down from 8 mg. of methylprednisolone to 4 mg. It will take a month according to the plan. Also, not everyone knows that you cannot use melatonin if you are on a steroid or Voltaren if you take NSAIDS plus my pain is in my neck, shoulder and back so you can't use Voltaren in those body areas so those options are out for me. It specifically says on the melatonin bottle I had purchased that it was not to be used if user was also on steroid medications. Voltaren has equivalent warnings of what you can and cannot do with it.

Anyway, this sleep thing is a bugaboo. I have done warm milk with no great effect and tonight I am going to go back to trying Nightly Calm tea by Twinings and see if that helps. The middle of the night panic attacks are terrible. Diaphragmatic breathing, meditation, and thinking through the Rosary get me some relief.


I feel for you, it’s no joke not being able to sleep through the night! I have similar problems staying asleep, I have arthritis, a perineural cyst and an L4-5 lumbar fusion that’s not stopped all of my back pain. I do take pain meds, but that’s a personal decision we all must make for ourselves. I would not be able to function without some pain relief. Quality of life is more important to me than worrying about being dependent on meds.
You might Try a product called Charlottes Web; I bought the hemp cbd roll-on oil for my arthritic hands. It actually brings relief and is sold over the counter at my pharmacy or purchased online at their website. A doctor recommended it to me, he has severe arthritis in his shoulders; he said when he uses it he can raise his arms overhead.
I also use an adjustable bed to find the ‘zero gravity setting, and a heating pad. I wish you a solution to your pain!

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Thanks you! I’m going to look for “Charlottes Web”!


Thanks you! I’m going to look for “Charlottes Web”!

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They give discounts online.
If this is an allowed I will private message you.
All the best!


Had a weighted blanket for same reason you seek an answer. Get to sleep immediately around 9 but like an alarm went off, I am awake at 3 AM and usually in a major panic attack. The weighted blanket felt like it was suffocating me and if you have restless legs, it made the sensation worse. We ordered one from Amazon, tried it and back it went within a week. If you get one, try to buy one with a return policy.

My rheumatologist today prescribed generic Lyrica to help me sleep. I normally take a magnesium 250 cap and a 1 mg of ativan which puts me to sleep. The 3 AM panic gets another .5 ativan to calm me. I live alone since my husband died two years ago. Anyway, I read the side effects of Lyrica and all the side effects would only exacerbate my other g/i, bowel, anxiety, nausea so I cancelled the order. I am also trying to scale down from 8 mg. of methylprednisolone to 4 mg. It will take a month according to the plan. Also, not everyone knows that you cannot use melatonin if you are on a steroid or Voltaren if you take NSAIDS plus my pain is in my neck, shoulder and back so you can't use Voltaren in those body areas so those options are out for me. It specifically says on the melatonin bottle I had purchased that it was not to be used if user was also on steroid medications. Voltaren has equivalent warnings of what you can and cannot do with it.

Anyway, this sleep thing is a bugaboo. I have done warm milk with no great effect and tonight I am going to go back to trying Nightly Calm tea by Twinings and see if that helps. The middle of the night panic attacks are terrible. Diaphragmatic breathing, meditation, and thinking through the Rosary get me some relief.

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I went to a Sleep Dr and kept a journal for several weeks and then met him. He put my info into an algorithm and gave me advice from that. A regular wake up time, and an 8-9 hour (depends on the number of hours you think is best) for sleep based on that. It may be that six hours is all you need, so go to bed later? Also, no napping after 3 pm. I am in Arizona and there is a major sleep lab there. I do find CBD/THC 1:1 useful for the anxiety about sleep, but needing it less now. I do the breathing exercises, and sleep yoga sometimes, too, if I am tense.


I went to a Sleep Dr and kept a journal for several weeks and then met him. He put my info into an algorithm and gave me advice from that. A regular wake up time, and an 8-9 hour (depends on the number of hours you think is best) for sleep based on that. It may be that six hours is all you need, so go to bed later? Also, no napping after 3 pm. I am in Arizona and there is a major sleep lab there. I do find CBD/THC 1:1 useful for the anxiety about sleep, but needing it less now. I do the breathing exercises, and sleep yoga sometimes, too, if I am tense.

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Thank you for sharing your experience. I ordered CBD gummies without melatonin this morning from Charlotte's Web. They had a nice special running and I am hopeful it will help. I also listen to you tube meditations that are helpful. I do not nap after 3 and really try not to nap at all unless I am "falling down exhausted" and can't keep my eyes open. Best wishes M.E.

P.S. I am a Marye also


Thank you for sharing your experience. I ordered CBD gummies without melatonin this morning from Charlotte's Web. They had a nice special running and I am hopeful it will help. I also listen to you tube meditations that are helpful. I do not nap after 3 and really try not to nap at all unless I am "falling down exhausted" and can't keep my eyes open. Best wishes M.E.

P.S. I am a Marye also

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I had troubles for over five years after retiring! I hope the CBD works for you...keep asking about a sleep psychologist. Here's the link to the guy I went to, so you'll have an idea of qualifications.

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