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I believe that when you stop any blood thinner, there is more of a risk of hemorrhage, at first. My mother is on Coumadin and I not only read this, but she had a stroke when off for 5 days for a procedure,

Many people who go on an anticoagulant DO need them forever, so this risk is not a problem for them. If they need to go off for a procedure, docs use short acting anticoagulants (Luvenox for instance) to keep them safer. (They failed to do this with my mother.)

That said, I also have the opinion that anticoagulants are prescribed too often. You said in another thread that monitoring showed you had a "medium" problem. I don't know what that means but am glad you are able to avoid blood-thinners for now.

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Hi. Thank you for your response since I am learning every week about how to take care of yourself in one's Senior years. I only, only want to help others since I have experienced many mishaps in the hands of Doctor's since 2014. Medium Scale was a graph shown me when I went into see my Cardiologist last December, 2021. The Z Patch (ZIO xt) is an adhesive stuck to your chest near the heart to check how often your A Fib kicks off. Mystery was when I made the appointment with my Cardiologist , when I arrived the staff said he was not there, but his Physician Assistant will see you. I felt cheated since I would not have made the 15 mile trip to see a PA (do not trust them). The PA said I need to go on Eliquis (controls strokes and a new pill on the market) . He also ordered a Zio xt patch. The Eliquis was for a 90 day supply. I wasn't happy with Designer Drugs. Big Pharma sends Doctor's and PA's to Hawaii for a one week stay in appreciation. I wore the Patch on my chest for 2 weeks. The staff called and said I do not have to go for 30 days, but did I pick up my pills for Eliquis. I said.........no. When my Doctor saw me, he said he was not out of the office for 2 wks. Why then should the staff move me over to a PA ?? I told my, Cardiologist, about the PA. He was silent. He asked me if I picked up the pills ? I said "no". He did not put me on Eliquis since he felt the graph showed no high concern for the A Fib. I then would have been taking a powerful drug for nothing. Upon research, indicated to go off this could lead (only could lead) to brain hemorrhage. Does anyone want that ??? I wish I had the time to tell you about my MRI stories, but I don't. Some Doctor's are handing out MRI's like candy. Two MRI's within a 2 mo. period. One for the head and one from the neck down. Since I developed Tinnitus April 6, 2021, I did not want to jeopardize my hearing since I was already tested by an Audiologist last year. Hearing is good. Horrendous !!!! I am terrified of my next medical procedure. Thank you for your response and now you know what a Zio xt is. Prayers to your mother.