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Hi Colleen,

i had the surgery in mid of March 2022. for full thickness intussusception. as i had to sit around 10 to 30 mins to fully evacuate my bowel. part of sigmoid colon removed

however since surgery, things got worst i feel I cannot even evacuate 10% of what i used to do. only can pass stools if they are watery othersise cannot. and stools are thin like ribbon.

i feel there is some blockage at the point of surgery. had a CT scan yesterday and nothing was found. is it possible that CT scan do not detect anastomosis stricture. should i ask for colonoscopy.

My Surgeon says things will improve by time but it is getting bad, i am sure things are not moving as they should to Rectum.

Look forward to any helpful advice.

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Replies to "Hi Colleen, i had the surgery in mid of March 2022. for full thickness intussusception. as..."

My gastroenterologist advised me that my thin, ribbon-like stools following my resection meant lack of fiber. She told me to take Metamucil every day, gradually working up to two rounded teaspoons a day. It works. Still frequent bowel movements (3-6 times over 24 hours) but normal consistency and size. This 14 months after surgery.

And maybe hold off in a colonoscopy right now. Probably not good following such recent surgery. It takes a long time to heal, I have been told at least a year. Your Colon is very mad at you🤣.

Hi Marsct,
I had my surgery for resection in May and going thru the same thing. Quite frustrated 😔